ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness TV Interview

YAY! My tell-all feature interview goes to air this Monday night!!

Me & Leisa Goddard

Leisa Goddard TV journalist from Channel 7 News interviewed me at my Brisbane home on my dramatic memoir, ME and Her: A Memoir of Madness. She quizzed me on my personal teacher experiences with violent children and abusive […]

HOW to Beat Anxiety

Have you ever worried with unrelenting Fear and Distress? Has your heart pounded fast in your chest? So you couldn’t breathe?

Have you ever felt faint …shaky… sweaty…choking … or suffered from an upset stomach?

My Story

I, Karen Tyrrell, teacher recovered from post-traumatic stress disorder after parents at my school terrorized me until I […]

Published: How can we Sleep Better?

SQUEE! South City Bulletin magazine published my wellness story, How can we Sleep Better? in their October issue, both in glossy print and online. I’m so proud I could burst!

Have you ever?

Tossed and turned all night unable to get to sleep. Woken the next morning feeling exhausted, with dark circles under your eyes. […]