The SECRET of Submitting your Manuscript to Publishers

IMAGINE! You have slaved over your beloved story, completing your manuscript to perfection! What’s your next step in getting your story published? How do you develop a kick-ass submission package that will eXcite and ignite a Publisher?

**I wrote this blog to unblock my paralyzing FEAR of submitting to Publishers. For too long I’ve allowed […]

Launching my Pro-active Quest to get ME AND HER Published

Mwah! Thanks for your unbelievable enthusiasm and support this week, requesting to read ME AND HER. What an incredible response! … Emails, comments and messages flooded in from everywhere.

With my heart hammering in my chest, I’m announcing my kick-ass quest to raise the profile of ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness. I’m seeking […]

How to write a *WINNING* Book Proposal

How can I be MORE pro-active in getting my books published?

What’s the best way to pitch my book to a Publisher? … The answer is … a *WINNING* book proposal.

More and more publishers are requesting Book Proposals as part of their submission package. A well researched kick-ass book proposal can excite and ignite […]


A children’s publisher requested Josh and the It, my kids’ sci-fi chapter book I turned a query letter into a request for my manuscript. How?

For the last month I’ve researched children’s publishers, pouring over the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace, and publisher’s websites including their submission guidelines. I discovered my manuscript was too short […]

Running Leap

I’m teetering on the precipice of Publishing, toes jutting over the edge. I gaze down at the deep abyss of failure and defeat. And stare over to the other side … the Mystical Land of Publishing.

All I need is a running leap.

My heart is pounding with exhilaration and uncertainty. I battle with the […]

Breathing Fresh Life into my Characters

Last Friday, a Children’s Publisher emailed the most Positive Rejection letter possible for my Kids Sci-Fi chapter novel, Josh and the It. So good I want to frame it.

Words like … ‘Your plot is strong and moves along at a good pace. Like your addition of humour … its child centred. You have successfully […]


My *New Campaign* to get Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness published … is now unleashed!

I’m gathering my faithful troops, reloading my weapons and plotting a Counter Attack.

ME AND HER # 2 is officially launched!

The new “Me and Her” is sharper, more insightful and more revealing.

The reader will truly know […]

Received 2 Emails

I’m bursting at the seams to tell you the news! Today I received 2 incredible emails. One sent without any warning.

• Beyond Blue messaged me that YES, an excerpt from Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness will be published on their website soon, in the category of BIPOLAR DISORDER … Share your stories. […]

The Race is ON!

Yesterday I emailed a BIG publisher with a request … Can I send my Book Proposal to them? Three hours later, the answer was YES, PLEASE!

I’ve been building up my stamina, training for the Big One!

ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness is now professionally edited and my winning Book Proposal completed and […]

Which Publisher?

My Book Proposal is almost completed, ready to send to a publisher next week. Now which one do I send it to?

I’m thumbing through the Australian Writers Marketplace in the Publishers Section, searching for Publishers that I’ll have the highest chance of hitting the mark.

Publishers that will:-

• Accept submissions in my genre […]