IMAGINE! You have slaved over your beloved story, completing your manuscript to perfection! What’s your next step in getting your story published? How do you develop a kick-ass submission package that will eXcite and ignite a Publisher?
**I wrote this blog to unblock my paralyzing FEAR of submitting to Publishers. For too long I’ve allowed […]
Mwah! Thanks for your unbelievable enthusiasm and support this week, requesting to read ME AND HER. What an incredible response! … Emails, comments and messages flooded in from everywhere.
With my heart hammering in my chest, I’m announcing my kick-ass quest to raise the profile of ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness. I’m seeking […]
How can I be MORE pro-active in getting my books published?
What’s the best way to pitch my book to a Publisher? … The answer is … a *WINNING* book proposal.
More and more publishers are requesting Book Proposals as part of their submission package. A well researched kick-ass book proposal can excite and ignite […]
A children’s publisher requested Josh and the It, my kids’ sci-fi chapter book I turned a query letter into a request for my manuscript. How?
For the last month I’ve researched children’s publishers, pouring over the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace, and publisher’s websites including their submission guidelines. I discovered my manuscript was too short […]
I’m teetering on the precipice of Publishing, toes jutting over the edge. I gaze down at the deep abyss of failure and defeat. And stare over to the other side … the Mystical Land of Publishing.
All I need is a running leap.
My heart is pounding with exhilaration and uncertainty. I battle with the […]
Last Friday, a Children’s Publisher emailed the most Positive Rejection letter possible for my Kids Sci-Fi chapter novel, Josh and the It. So good I want to frame it.
Words like … ‘Your plot is strong and moves along at a good pace. Like your addition of humour … its child centred. You have successfully […]
My *New Campaign* to get Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness published … is now unleashed!
I’m gathering my faithful troops, reloading my weapons and plotting a Counter Attack.
ME AND HER # 2 is officially launched!
The new “Me and Her” is sharper, more insightful and more revealing.
The reader will truly know […]
I’m bursting at the seams to tell you the news! Today I received 2 incredible emails. One sent without any warning.
• Beyond Blue messaged me that YES, an excerpt from Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness will be published on their website soon, in the category of BIPOLAR DISORDER … Share your stories. […]
Yesterday I emailed a BIG publisher with a request … Can I send my Book Proposal to them? Three hours later, the answer was YES, PLEASE!
I’ve been building up my stamina, training for the Big One!
ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness is now professionally edited and my winning Book Proposal completed and […]
My Book Proposal is almost completed, ready to send to a publisher next week. Now which one do I send it to?
I’m thumbing through the Australian Writers Marketplace in the Publishers Section, searching for Publishers that I’ll have the highest chance of hitting the mark.
Publishers that will:-
• Accept submissions in my genre […]