How to Pitch to Publishers

WOOHOO! I finally pitched three manuscripts to Publishers!

My name is Karen Tyrrell, award winning author of four resilience books for adults and children.

FIRST I developed my new stories to the highest possible publishing standard— written with passion and energy. I critiqued, rewrote, tweaked, formatted and had them professionally edited to perfection… over months […]

The SECRET of Submitting your Manuscript to Publishers

IMAGINE! You have slaved over your beloved story, completing your manuscript to perfection! What’s your next step in getting your story published? How do you develop a kick-ass submission package that will eXcite and ignite a Publisher?

**I wrote this blog to unblock my paralyzing FEAR of submitting to Publishers. For too long I’ve allowed […]

SYNOPSIS–How to write a KILLER Synopsis

Today I finalized a KILLER synopsis for my crime novel, SAYONARA guaranteed to get attention from editors, agents or publishers. The synopsis is the most crucial part of my submission package and needs to be developed, sweated over and polished with the same attention as to my novel. The synopsis is the sequential summary […]


A children’s publisher requested Josh and the It, my kids’ sci-fi chapter book I turned a query letter into a request for my manuscript. How?

For the last month I’ve researched children’s publishers, pouring over the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace, and publisher’s websites including their submission guidelines. I discovered my manuscript was too short […]