Which Publisher?

My Book Proposal is almost completed, ready to send to a publisher next week.
Now which one do I send it to?

I’m thumbing through the Australian Writers Marketplace in the Publishers Section,
searching for Publishers that I’ll have the highest chance of hitting the mark.

Publishers that will:-

•    Accept submissions in my genre … e.g. Memoir

•    Accept unsolicited manuscripts … some only accept via Agents

•    Accept simultaneous submissions … why limit myself to only one publisher at a time?

When sending  a submission include a Cover Letter, a Book Proposal,  Resume and Sample Chapters:-

•    Aim HIGH … send to the BIGGEST publishers first …work your way down

•    Follow submission guidelines exactly for format and method.

•    Address your submission using the specific name of the Publisher. Check the acknowledgment page inside similar books to find that name.

•    Make initial contact with Publisher via email or phone

NEWSFLASH … I’ve landed the perfect endorsement for by book.

Beyond Blue are publishing an excerpt of Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness on their website soon AND they want to read my entire manuscript … WOO HOO !
This endorsement will be a MAJOR selling feature on my Proposal.

The INROADS have begun …

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13 comments to Which Publisher?

  • Robbo

    Karen, With your determination, I’m sure you’ll hit the mark!

  • That’s great! They’re a really high profile organisation, who do such great work. I was a children’s counsellor for many years, so had first hand experience working with them – a lovely bunch of people. Hopefully this will open up all the right doors for you!

  • Angela Sunde

    You can’t help but hit the right target with all the beautiful arrows in your bow. Good Luck!

  • Good for you…all that hard work and determination is paying off. Nice to see.

  • Congratulations on your “Beyond Blue” endorsement. Excellent!!

  • Sue Bond

    Good on you, Karen! I really like your thorough approach to getting published, and admire your determination.

  • Thanx Sue. Hope SLOW and STEADY will win the Publishing Race!

  • I don’t think you’ll go wrong aiming at publishers at this stage, Karen. And send to more than one, too with a note at the bottom telling them it’s a multiple submission and you’ll keep them informed etc etc).
    I’ve found Rhonda Whitton and Sheila Hollingworth’s book ‘A Decent Proposal’ interesting and if I was writing non-fiction, very useful.

  • Joanna Gaudry

    That’s great, Karen. Do you suffer from a major depressive disorder (ie Beyond Blue focuses on depression and anxiety)? My MA dissertation was about expressive writing as therapy for clinical depression. I’ve suffered from major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder for over 25 years along with having a family with bipolar and depressive disorders. Glad that Beyond Blue are interested. That would be a major coup for you. Good luck!!
    Joanna :))

  • Thanx Joanne for your candid comment and your ongoing support. Beyond Blue is a fantastic organisation supporting those with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and Post Natal Depression. I will reveal my diagnosis on this website soon.

  • Great work Karen. Beyond Blue are a fantastic organisation. Be sure to post a link to the excerpt on your website and to let us know when it is to be posted on the website.

  • Thanx Kelly, as soon as the excerpt is up on Beyond Blue’s website I’ll let everyone know.

  • stevey

    Well done, hun.

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