Kill Anxiety for Good Healthline Guest Blog

Healthline America’s leading online health magazine, requested to Guest Blog here on Karen’s mental health BLOG.

I’m so honoured! Healthline asked me to choose a topic. I chose ANXIETY, the world’s biggest mental health problem… A subject close to my heart since my RECOVERY from parent-teacher bullying, post traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder.


How to Write with Passion

I’m Guest Blogging from war-torn Israel!

Australian writer Beryl Belsky, now resident of Tel Aviv, requested I guest blog a motivational piece for her ‘The Writers Drawer’ website . Something that could give her Readers HOPE.

I blogged about my dual passions: mental health and writing and what drives me every day!

Beryl contacted […]

I’m Guest Blogging at Julie A. Fast, Bipolar Expert

SQUEE! Julie A. Fast, American bipolar expert requested I guest blog my bipolar Recovery expose, Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness on her website, spreading bipolar and mental health awareness across the globe.

I’m thrilled to share WHY I wrote my recovery memoir, Me and Her on Julie’s “Bipolar Happens” website with over 10,000 […]

Why I Write Kid’s Sci-Fi …The TRUTH is OUT There

My Secrets out! … Blasted across the cosmos! I’m revealing all. WHY I create Kids Sci-fi and HOW I started writing JOSH AND THE IT! Amanda Greenslade, webmaster of Specusphere Sci-fi webzine requested I Guest Blog a punchy article that connects with the Australian fantasy, sci-fi and horror industries. Specusphere publish […]

GUEST BLOG– You ARE what you THINK @ Casi

Casi McLean invited me to Guest Blog on her Wingless Butterfly/ Secrets of a Recovering Jerk-Magnet website. She requested a motivational piece, which would uplift and empower her readers. I wrote ‘You ARE what you THINK’.

Our internal dialogue is super powerful, dictating our emotions and actions.

Positive thinking can TRANSFORM the outcome of […]