The Forever Kid Review Book Giveaway

The Forever Kid by Elizabeth Mary Cummings … Illustrated by Cheri Hughes.

Published by Big Sky Publishing. Picture book for kids 4-8.

‘Uplifting, thought provoking, heart-warming.’

Author of The Forever Kid

Meet Elizabeth Mary Cummings author of The Forever Kid. Elizabeth was awarded a psychology degree and a Masters of Education. She writes […]

Roses Are Blue REVIEW + Book Giveaway

Roses Are Blue by Sally Murphy, illustrated by Gabriel Evans ISBN: 9781922244376

What if your Mum was different from everyone else’s? I mean embarrassingly different…

Amber Rose’s enchanted world has come to an end. First her mother is injured in a tragic accident. She’s not the same anymore.

Amber and her family are struggling to […]

REVIEW Kate by Kevin Burgemeestre Author Illustrator

Thirteen year old KATE is struggling with more than her share of teenage angst… Her best friend moved overseas, a school bully attacked her and her mother died… Now things are getting worse. Much worse. Someone is AFTER her …

My fascination in debut young adult novel ‘Kate’ stems from my mental health […]