I experienced extreme fatigue, proof reading my memoir sequel, ME & HIM: a Guide to Recovery.
My body felt weary, my eyes stung, my mind was blanketed in a thick fog. I fought to stay awake, concentrated and alert.
Sound familiar?
For weeks and months I’ve kept up a rigorous schedule of writing, motivational talks, working on community projects for mental health and for writing groups.
The problem: ME & HIM was scheduled to be formatted NOW. I needed to find an immediate way to keep vigilant and focused for a few weeks until I finished proof reading and editing ME & HIM.
Thanks to all those personal suggestions from Facebook friends… How did I overcome fatigue?
How to FIGHT Fatigue … and ENERGIZE yourself! 
1. Listen to your body and attune yourself to its messages.
2. REST. Take a power nap.
3. Drink lots of water. Double your water intake. Try sparkling mineral water and soda water.
4. Refresh yourself with a cool shower. Splash water on your face and neck.
5. Try Colour therapy. Wearing ORANGE can revitalize you.
6. Swallow multi-vitamins especially vitamin B. Take fish oil tablets every day.
7. Inhale or defuse peppermint oil into your room.
8. Meditate to rest and clarify the mind.
9. Eat high protein snacks like walnuts and complex whole grain foods.
10. Take a walk in the fresh air. Invigorate yourself with a refreshing swim.
I then researched and started my next course of action for Burnout … Just in case
How to Overcome Burnout … Long term
1. Seek medical advice and a thorough physical check-up.
2. Request blood tests to see if there’s an imbalance to your thyroid, any signs of diabetes, anaemia, any deficiency or other health concerns.
3. Take TIME OUT for guilt-free ME time.
4. Learn to say NO and delegate to others.
5. Take a restful holiday or a weekend away.
6. Re-examine your wellness plan and your lifestyle choices.
7. Incorporate more stress-less routines into your day. What can you do to take the pressure off?
8. Re-access your goals and what’s important in your life.
9. Allow time for recovery.
I’ve now finished proof reading ME & HIM: a Guide to Recovery, ready for formatting as a print and eBook. ME & HIM shares how I recovered from bipolar disorder and post traumatic disorder, managing my mental health on a day to day basis.
Read the opening page of ME & HIM *Here*… What do you think?
Read #20 Pages of ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness *HERE*
Have you EVER felt over-tired and fatigued?
What do you do to inject ENERGY into your body, mind and spirit?
LOVE to hear your comments…Please SHARE, tweet, LIKE or Google+
PS All fatigue fighting tips are backed by industry experts: psychologists, doctors or wellness pros
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