Winners CYA Conference 2021

Winners CYA Conference 2021

Winners CYA Conference 2021: I reveal my exciting news, celebrating the ultimate event in my Writer’s year!

The CYA All Stars Conference broadcasts via zoom from Brisbane, Australia celebrating its 16th birthday. An action-packed creative retreat for writers. Refreshing. Exhausting. Exhilarating.

From 2nd to 25th July, I share this amazing month with my writing […]

WINNERS of the CYA Conference

I celebrated the ultimate event in my Writer’s year …

The Australian CYA Conference at Southbank TAFE, Brisbane. It’s a one-day action-packed adventure holiday for writers. Refreshing. Exhausting. Exhilarating.

I shared this amazing day with my writing buddies and colleagues, participating in writing courses, scribbling down blueprints for my next writing projects, revitalizing my creative […]

PINCH ME I’m presenting at CYA Conference in July

Out of the blue, I received an email requesting my children’s book details as a CYA Conference presenter!! What? Me a presenter? My heart pattered.

I quickly clicked the CYA conference link. I couldn’t breathe.

Surprisingly, my name Karen Tyrrell was listed as a presenter on the Success Story panel alongside my buddy Caylie Jeffery […]

Winners of the CYA Writers Conference

I celebrated the ultimate event in my writer’s year!!

The Australian CYA children’s and Young Adult writer’s Conference at Southbank TAFE, Brisbane.

It’s a one-day action adventure holiday for writers. Refreshing. Exhausting. Exhilarating. I shared this amazing day with my writing buddies and colleagues, participating in writing courses, scribbling down blueprints for my next writing […]