Winners CYA Conference 2021

Winners CYA Conference 2021

Winners CYA Conference 2021: I reveal my exciting news, celebrating the ultimate event in my Writer’s year!

The CYA All Stars Conference broadcasts via zoom from Brisbane, Australia celebrating its 16th birthday. An action-packed creative retreat for writers. Refreshing. Exhausting. Exhilarating.

From 2nd to 25th July, I share this amazing month with my writing […]

Rainforest Rescue Shortlisted Major Award

Rainforest Rescue Shortlisted in Major Award

Today, Steve Tyrrell co-author of Song Bird Rainforest Rescue flashed me a letter announcing our shortlisting.

I shook my head, in total disbelief. ‘What’s this?’ I said.

‘We’re shortlisted in the Speech Pathology Australia, Book of the Year awards!’ Steve grinned.


I’m so excited and honoured […]

Create a Children’s Novel FREE Workshop

Want to write and publish a children’s novel? Join me, author teacher Karen Tyrrell as I share my secrets in creating and publishing a successful children’s novel. I’ll share tips on crafting unforgettable characters and a story line hooking in the reader.

PLUS I’ll reveal my secrets on how I wrote and published bully prevention […]