WIN Limited Edition Song Bird Superhero

Win Song Bird Superhero

WIN Limited Edition of Song Bird Superhero.

A FUN adventure book to empower kids to believe in themselves… by Karen Tyrrell

Win Limited Edition Song Bird

“Rosella Ava Bird dreams of flying … Too bad her waking hours are a living nightmare.

Her flying inventions crash.

Her kooky parents are over protective.

Her […]

How I Manage Mental Illness

Karen Tyrrell: Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery

I proudly shared my victory over parent-teacher bullying, bipolar disorder and PTSD with a mental health forum, to help those struggling with mental illness.

Kasia O’Shea, a manager at Richmond Fellowship Queensland had requested I reveal my personal story behind Me & […]

La Literati INTERVIEWS Karen Tyrrell Author & Mental Health Advocate

La Literati radio show US invited me to share my empowering children’s book STOP the Bully with positive anti-bullying strategies. Radio host Tosha Michelle will interview me on WHY I wrote STOP the Bully, and my passion to change the bullying culture in schools. I will reveal HOW parents bullied me every day as a […]


DRUM ROLL … I’m announcing the COVER and title of my brand NEW Book Baby.

A Junior Novel I’m Thrilled about inspired by my mission to Create books to empower KIDS …

My heart’s pounding fast.

My stomach is squirming.

I’m giving BIRTH to my new Book Baby in Public.

So here I go, with […]

Radio Interview My RECOVERY from Mental Illness

Transmitting LIVE via Satellite across the Globe… I, Karen Tyrrell will Reveal ALL my Recovery and Resilience secrets, broadcasting LIVE across the globe. Producer of TOP international radio show requested an interview on my RECOVERY from Mental Illness.

Relationship expert, Matt Townsend will interview me LIVE on how my journey back from INSANITY.

AND how […]

Bullying EXPOSE on Authors Shelf RADIO

I’m very excited but nibbling my nails … as I’m revealing HOW I was bullied and terrorized by parents at my school for over a year, triggering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and bipolar disorder.

Georgie Donaghey Sydney DJ will interview me on The Author’s Shelf radio program about my motivation to write […]

TV Interview How did my Manic Psychotic BRAIN Recover?

Richard Hill of MindScience TV probed my mind to find out how parent-teacher bullying led to my mental breakdown, turning into Madness and Mania … and later RECOVERY.

My books, Me & Her: A Memoir Of Madness and Me & Him: A Guide to Recovery are highlighted in this interview.

Richard Hill, psychotherapist explains my […]

TV Interview Violence in Schools Today Tonight

Today Tonight interviewed me as a bullied Australian teacher now mental health advocate for their TV investigation Violence in Schools.

Today Tonight filmed me flicking through my tell-all story Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness, how I was catapulted from abused teacher into the psychiatric system suffering night terrors, mania and PTSD.

Me […]

ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness TV Interview

YAY! My tell-all feature interview goes to air this Monday night!!

Me & Leisa Goddard

Leisa Goddard TV journalist from Channel 7 News interviewed me at my Brisbane home on my dramatic memoir, ME and Her: A Memoir of Madness. She quizzed me on my personal teacher experiences with violent children and abusive […]

How to Create Wealth and Happiness

Spiritual and financial guru to world leaders and celebrities, Angela Hryniuk invited me along to her workshop “Enlightenment & Money” as a guest.

Angela has worked with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and the United Nations.

Recently she advised Debra Hutton (the face of Myer and Qantas) on how to achieve life […]