Spiritual and financial guru to world leaders and celebrities, Angela Hryniuk invited me along to her workshop “Enlightenment & Money” as a guest.
Angela has worked with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and the United Nations.
Recently she advised Debra Hutton (the face of Myer and Qantas) on how to achieve life balance.
[My story: I recovered from parent-teacher bullying and mental illness, writing Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness. Now as author-speaker, I help others on their journey to wellness and mental happiness.]
Angela shared her inspirational journey as a recovered alcoholic, led insightful meditations, and shattered my pre-conceived ideas on money, wealth and success. I experienced many ‘aha’ moments, with tears trickling down my cheek as I realized what I needed to do.
I returned home eager to amp up my daily ‘Mindful’ wellness plan…
How to Create Wealth and Happiness
1. Attune yourself to your emotions and your spiritual needs. ASK yourself what you’re really feeling and what you need.
2. Balance your life: calm the mind: change your responses to conflict: create Flow in your life.
3. Follow your heart and that “Still Small Voice Within.”
4. Let your inner guide lead you straight to the right decision! Be calm going into your next business meeting JUST KNOWING and TRUSTING.
5. Attract positive energies and people into your life. Emit positive OPEN vibrations to the world. Get ready to receive success.
Within 12 hours of attending this workshop, I received an incredible phone call. Someone offered an amazing opportunity to spread News of HOPE via Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness and Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery.
Please stay tuned … Announcing details on Monday.
Have you ever experienced energy flow and synchronicity in your life?
Do you know how to convert your dreams into success?
Can you be BOTH wealthy and happy at the same time?
Please SHARE with your friends …LIKE, Tweet, Google PLUS
Namaste 🙂
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