Karen Tyrrell Mental Health NEWS FLASH
Exciting NEWS about my mental health books … and a CONTRACT!
Woohoo! I’m shortlisted!
CYA Conference SHORTLISTED my humorous middle-grade novel, GHOST BOY for their writing competition in the Published Author category.
‘A disaster magnet must overcome anxiety, bullies and a life-changing event to find a real friend.’
I share the Published Author category with renowned authors Dee White, Kaye Baillie and Steff Gemmill.
CYA shortlisted my Write Link buddies in other categories too. HUGE Congrats to Kristen Willis, Rebecca Sheraton, Joanna Wisbey, Alison Rutstein and Elizabeth Pulsford.
Thanks to CYA Conference and CEO, Tina Marie Clark for this awesome opportunity.
Winners will be announced on Saturday 9th July at the official opening of CYA Conference.

- Champion Health Agency – Karen Tyrrell Mental Health
YAY, I signed a CONTRACT with Champion Health Agency as a mental health writer, speaker, and consultant with a lived experience of mental illness. I won the Jude Bugeja Mental Health Achievement Award for my resilience books and work including a mental health writing program for Queensland Health consumers.
My books include Bailey Beats the Blah, Harry Helps Grandpa Remember and STOP the Bully.
Currently, publishers are considering three NEW mental health books for children including GHOST BOY, shortlisted by the CYA Conference.
Thanks to CEO Anja Christofferson, for this incredible opportunity! Congrats to ‘sisters’ Ky Garvey, Michelle Worthington and Tabitha Page who also joined the Champion Health Agency family too.
Please check my BIO to book me as a speaker, writer or consultant on resilience HERE.

Forevability Awards – Karen Tyrrell Mental Health
Forevability Awards announced I will judge their empowering children’s book awards in 2022. Award categories include mental health, disability and illness and MORE.
I’d like to thank CEO of Forevability, Tabitha Page for this awesome opportunity.
Congrats to judges Aleesah Darlison, Ky Garvey, Michelle Worthington, Kathy & Peter Creamer, Coral Vass, Romi Sharp, Melissa Gijsbers, Alison Reynolds, Jacqueline Harvey, Adam Wallace and MORE.
Find out about the awards and the judges HERE.
Continue reading Karen Tyrrell Mental Health NEWS
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Children’s Rights QLD appointed Karen Tyrrell (me) Ambassador for Logan City, ahead of Children’s Week, 24-29 Oct 2022. I’m an award-winning child-empowerment author, teacher and mental health advocate. My role is to educate the community and empower children on their rights to be happy, healthy and safe.
During Book Week, I toured #12 Outback Queensland Education Schools as AUTHOR IN RESIDENCE 22-31 August. I presented bully prevention and resilience talks, reader’s theatre and writing workshops with Steve Tyrrell, author. First, we flew to Charleville then drove to Quilpie, Eromanga, Cunnamulla, Thargominda, Morven, Eulo and Augathella. Our tour highlight was presenting to fifty excited remote students from the Charleville Distance Education studio via Blackboard APP and OneNote APP.

As a Children’s Rights QLD Ambassador, I will present interactive storytelling sessions using the picture book ‘Right to be Me.’ We use PowerPoint, costumes, props, activities and resources Children’s Rights QLD provide. In October. I’m available to speak at schools, particularly Logan City, where I’m the Community Ambassador.
SPECIAL OFFER – Children’s Rights QLD
In October I’m offering LIMITED free sessions to Logan Schools. Please comment below on why you want to book me for Children’s Week. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested, as these sessions will book out quickly.

Otherwise, please book author sessions, reader’s theatre, and writing workshops with Karen Tyrrell and Steve via my Speaking Agencies links below.
Speakers INK … Book HERE

Greenleaf Press Agency … Book HERE

Creative Net Speakers Agency … Book HERE

Children’s Week is an annual event celebrated in Australia. A diverse range of events and activities are organised at National, State and Local levels to celebrate the rights of children to enjoy childhood and for the wider community to rejoice in their talents, skills and abilities.

Karen Tyrrell’s Children’s Rights QLD photo and bio

WHO requests a storytelling session with Me?
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Winners CYA Conference 2021: I reveal my exciting news, celebrating the ultimate event in my Writer’s year!
The CYA All Stars Conference broadcasts via zoom from Brisbane, Australia celebrating its 16th birthday. An action-packed creative retreat for writers. Refreshing. Exhausting. Exhilarating.
From 2nd to 25th July, I share this amazing month with my writing buddies and colleagues, participating in writing courses, assessments and competitions. My goal is to create blueprints for my writing projects, revitalizing my creative brain to the MAX.

Winners CYA Conference 2021 Success Story
Eight successful authors divulged their inspirational and surprising journeys on how they published their books.
Congrats to Wenda Shurety, Brooke Graham, Inda Ahmad Zahri, Alison McLennan, Rory H Mather, Amy Adeny, Liz Duthie and Christian Bocquee.
So proud, 5 success stories winners come from Write Links, my writing group!

My CYA Success Story
In 2014, I shared my own Success Story on how I published Bailey Beats the Blah and STOP the Bully. Both resilience books won endorsements from Kids Helpline and a mental health achievement award.
Since then, I launched, Harry Helps Grandpa Remember, winner of a RADF grant. Plus, I published Super Space Kids series, Ready Set Discover Logan and the Song Bird series with an Arts Queensland grant.
In 2016, Tina Clark invited present and past Success Story winners to receive their 10th Anniversary Gold badge… That’s ME on the bottom left next to Tina. Who do you recognise?

Presenters share WINNING Writing Tips
Kat Apel & Renee Tremel
The importance of patience, endurance and resilience in getting published.
Deborah Abela
The secrets of diverse and exciting middle grade novels – How to keep kids reading
Kristina Schulz
Getting ready to be an author. Business & pathways to publishing.
What’s your manuscript’s point of difference?
Bren MacDibble
Trials and tribulations of writing for multiple age groups. Bren showed us how to write in a minimalist yet an engaging, immediate way.
Lisa Fuller:
First Nations representation and permissions.
 Deborah Abela
Pitching to Publishers & Agents…
My writing buddies and I from Write Links pitched our stories to editors and publishers, receiving positive feedback and encouragement.
Good luck to all my writing buddies!!
A special shout out to Anna Byrd, Joanna Wisbey, Wenda Shurety, Steve Tyrrell, Liane McDermott, Ayesha Uddin and Brooke Graham.
 Ayesha Uddin, Joanna Wisbey, Anna Byrd, Karen Tyrrell, Steve Tyrrell, Wenda Shurety.
Winners CYA Conference 2021 Writing Competitions
AO1 Picture Book Preschool …
1st Kerri Day 2nd Marg Briese 3rd Rebecca Ralfe.
AO2 Picture Book Primary School …
1st Gabrielle Cardwell 2nd Jessica Horn 3rd Anna Quinlan
AO3 Picture Book Non Fiction …
1st Javita Nilson 2nd Deborah Frenkel 3rd Kathy Weeden
AO4 Chapter Books – Younger Readers
1st Brooke Graham 2nd Liane McDermott 3rd Carla Fitzgerald
AO5 Chapter Books – Older Readers
1st Joanna Wisbey 2nd Annaleise Byrd 3rd Marion McGuinness
AO6 Young Adult
1st Ali Stegert 2nd Beverley McWilliams 3rd Dianne Taylor

CYA Published Picture Book
Highly Commended: Kaye Baillie, Dhana Fox, Lana Spasevski
WINNER Published CYA Book
Lachlan Pollard
CYA Published Junior Fiction/MG/YA
Highly Commended: Jacqueline De Rose-Ahern, Karen Tyrrell (that’s me below)

One of the publishers who gave me positive feedback, requested me to send GHOST BOY plus another middle grade novel.
With ‘Highly Commended’ award for GHOST BOY , I now have three manuscripts in progress.
What’s my plan to make them the BEST they can be?
- Analyse and embrace publisher feedback and presenter notes
- Work out a doable plan of action
- Rewrite manuscripts, query letters, synopses and pitches
- Research compatible publishers
- Submit to publishers
 Karen Tyrrell at CYA Conference with Tina Clark
Who were the REAL Winners of CYA?
We who attended, who were willing to embrace the wealth of experience, knowledge and inspiration from TOP publishers, agents, illustrators, editors and authors. CYA Conference delegates shared a unique opportunity, one which could shape our writing lives and craft us into the writers we could be.
Only if we believe!
What was your favourite experience at CYA?
How were you INSPIRED?
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Winners Drought Rescue announced below!
Song Bird Drought Rescue WON an Arts Queensland grant to research in Winton, Queensland.
Karen Tyrrell and guest author Steve Tyrrell wrote Song Bird Drought Rescue.
NOW, Song Bird Drought Rescue is available across the globe via Amazon, online and in bookshops.
Bookshops include Riverbend Books, Scrumptious Reads and Books@Stones. Plus Dymocks Indooroopilly, Little Gnome and many MORE!

What’s Song Bird Drought Rescue about?
Rosie, aka Song Bird superhero, must save the outback from the drought.
Animals are dying, water’s disappearing, dinosaurs are stampeding.
And now Aunt Matty’s kidnapped.
Is Destructo behind the devastation?
Song Bird follows a secret map to unlock a mystery.
So, can Song Bird rescue the outback before it’s too late?

Book Giveaway
To celebrate the release of Drought Rescue, I give away two copies and a PRIZE PACK!
Soon, winners will receive a book, bookmarks, goodies and a stamped certificate.
Please leave comments on the book reviews sites below.
Don’t forget a comment on my website too. Thanks.
The MORE comments you leave, the MORE chance you have to WIN!

BOOK REVIEW Tour 31st May – 9th June
Mon 31 May Melissa Gijsbers https://juniorwritersclub.com.au/
Tue 1 June Sarah Russmussen https://ragamuffinbooks.home.blog/
Fri 4 June Norah Colvin https://www.readilearn.com.au
Mon 7 June Vanessa Rendall https://educateempower.blog
Wed 9 June Melissa Wray http://melissawray.blogspot.com/

Let’s WATCH the Book Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVY9iB6rth4
Download FREE Teacher Notes & kids STUFF http://www.karentyrrell.com/free-kids-stuff/
FREE gift bag here www.songbirdbooks.com

Announcing the Winners Drought Rescue !!
Congratulations to Kaye Baillee and Louise Brooks.
Thanks to all the reviewers and the participants.
Please share on Facebook, twitter and MORE.
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Arts Queensland grant kick-started Karen Tyrrell (me) and Steve to complete the 1st draft of Song Bird 5, to empower kids to become eco-warriors.
START grant funding from Arts Queensland and BEMAC facilitated our 5th and final book in this eco series.
What’s Song Bird 5 about?
Karen and Steve Tyrrell Karen write passionately on the environment, creating four books in our Song Bird eco series.
Karen writes from the voice of Song Bird Superhero, eco warrior. Steve writes from the voice of Destructo, the evil environmental villain.
The final book is all about ‘helping kids to practice resilience and sustainability in a drought environment.’

Where did we tour?
Steve and I traveled to Winton and Longreach to research attractions and locations featured in Song Bird Drought Rescue. We immersed ourselves wherever we went, asking questions and snapping photos.

What Outback schools did we visit?
Children at Winton State School and Longreach Distance Education brainstormed ideas for a chapter, with us.
They shared their resilient water saving practices. We added the BEST ideas into the book. Out in 2021.
 Destructo and Song Bird perform at Winton SS.

 Longreach School of Distance Education

What places did we visit and research?

Stockman’s Hall of Fame

Bladensburg National Park and Sheep Station

Age of Dinosaurs
 Karen at Age of Dinosaurs, Winton
What happens in 2021?
Song Bird Drought Rescue will be out in 2021.
We’ll visit schools and libraries for speaking events and reader’s theatre to educate children on the importance of caring for the environment. And living in a resilient and sustainable way during droughts.

Song Bird Tours Outback animated video BELOW … Click PLAY >
Who wants to Read Song Bird Drought Rescue in 2021?
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Ready Set Discover Logan Pantomime
Recently, I won a BEMAC (Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre) grant to create a YouTube pantomime.
It’s based on my picture book, READY SET DISCOVER LOGAN, using costumes, props, puppets, special effects and FUN!

Ready Set Discover Logan Pantomime
WHO: Karen Tyrrell & Steve Tyrrell won a BEMAC grant.
WHAT: Through pantomime, we explore Logan’s TOP attractions: parks, environments, history and wildlife.
Steve plays aboriginal boy Bunji. I perform as newly-arrived girl Yana.
WHY: I created Ready Set Discover Logan Pantomime for Logan children to enjoy online.
We share positive messages about Logan as an eco-destination, urban green space within a harmonious community.
Karen and Steve utilized costumes, props and comedy to encourage children to explore Logan. Seven places are highlighted in the pantomime. Includes: Logan River Parklands, Riverdale Park, Darlington Parklands, Berrinba Wetlands and MORE.
WATCH: My YouTube pantomime with costumes, puppets, props and special effects HERE

WHY did I Create YouTube Pantomimes?
- Recharge my creativity during COVID 19.
- Share my books with children.
- To let schools know I present pantomimes, writing workshops, reader’s theatre and author talks, online and *LIVE.
My Books are available HERE

How to Create YouTube Pantomimes
- Create a captivating book, connecting with children. Consider an Arts grant for books AND pantomimes.
- Write a pantomime script based on the book, maximizing interaction and engagement with the audience. Consider costumes, props, puppets, songs, jokes, physical humor.
- Consider your tech equipment: lights, camera, mike, background.
- Practice pantomime with co-actors, focusing on spatial awareness, voice projection, movements, surprise, camera vision, sound.
- Perform/record in front of camera and mike. Play back and take note for how to improve. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
- Edit adding pictures, special effects and music using a video editing program.
- Upload to YouTube adding description, tags and hashtags.
- Share!
READY SET DISCOVER LOGAN won an Arts Queensland Grant in 2018.

BEMAC (Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre) sponsored our NEW pantomime creation.

I presented ‘Grants for Writers Masterclass’ via ZOOM

Write, plan, strategize and WIN a grant!
Steve and I share our experience and strategies on winning #6 grants.
Sat 13th June @ 9.30-12pm
Logan Radio 101 FM interviewed Steve and I how we transformed a picture book into a children’s pantomime via a BEMAC grant.
WIN a signed copy of Ready Set Discover Logan
Leave a comment on my YouTube pantomime page HERE

Who wants to win a FREE signed copy of my book?
Please LIKE, comment, share and ask questions 🙂
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Karen Tyrrells ISO Book Show
I launched Karen Tyrrells ISO Book Show, a child-friendly and entertaining YouTube channel for kids.
I’ve never had so much fun dressing-up, creating props and hamming it up. My inner Year 2 teacher is taking complete control.

What is the Karen Tyrrell Self-Isolation Book Show?
I present children’s books and review in a FUN interactive performance. My goal is to connect children with books so they grow to love them as much as I.
Every Monday and Thursday at 4pm AEST, I present a YouTube show where I review children’s books dressed-up in character with props and comedy to engage and entertain children.
 I perform pantomimes & readers theatre in schools and libraries.
Why did you create Karen Tyrrell Self-Isolation Book Show?
To entertain, educate and engage children.
I wish to encourage children to read more and think.
And help kids create an enduring love of books.

Who is the audience?
Children, families, teachers, schools, libraries, bookshops and children’s literacy organizations.
Which authors and books will you review?
I review highly acclaimed picture books, junior fiction and occasional middle grade or YA.
I focus on books from the Romancing the Stars event, short-listers and long-listers from book awards including CBCA, Aurealis, Speech Pathology Book of the Year and other awards/events.
I’m seeking recent Australian children’s books from authors, illustrators and publishers.

How did this idea come to Fruition?
I performed a *LIVE book talk on Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue at Romancing the Stars event in March.
I later videoed this talk and sent it out to children’s literacy groups.
It was popular so I then challenged myself to create book talks for my friend’s books.
Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue by Karen Tyrrell HERE

Which books were reviewed for Children?

Where’s Lucky by Jacqui Halpin, illos Sandra Severgnini HERE

Scribbly Gum Secrets by Dannika Patterson, illos Megan Forward HERE

Super Nova by Krys Saclier, illos Rebecca Timmis HERE
Which Books will be reviewed Next?

The Golden Llama by Aleesah Darlinson Thurs 23rd April 4pm

Pippa by Dimity Powell, illos Andrew Plant Mon 27th April 4pm
Coming Soon … books by Deborah Kelly, Robert Henderson, Allison Rushby & MORE
Where’s Karen Tyrrell Self-Isolation Book Show?
Watch Playlist: Karen Tyrrell’s ISO Book Show
Go online at Karen Tyrrell Author channel HERE

Super Nova Book Giveaway
Win a copy of Super Nova … Follow these steps 1.. 2.. 3..
- Subscribe to Karen Tyrrell Author channel.
- Leave a comment on the page.
- Winner announced on YouTube, Facebook and this blog page. Apply HERE

Which New Releases do you recommend?
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Resilience for Writers 2020
With each news update on the corona virus, I go into a state of shock.
Will I be able to cope?
I brand myself as a resilience author (Karen Tyrrell) – a survivor of school workplace bullying and mental health issues.
Now is the time for me to spend extra-time on self-care and coping skills. I urge you do too.

Coping Strategies
- Restrict how much news you watch. I suggest no more than once a day.
- Exercise daily outside in the fresh air with positive self-talk.
- Spend time in glorious nature every day. Listen to the birds. Breathe fresh air. Tend your pot plants or garden.
- Laugh, giggle, sing, dance. Humor is powerful, reducing stress. Watch comedy shows.

- Be grateful for each day. Meditate. Practice mindfulness.
- Practice kindness to yourself and to others. Keep yourself calm. Take slow, deep breaths.
- Get enough sleep. Unplug an hour before bed time.
- Connect with your support team. Ask each other RU OK?

Keep Safe
- Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently for at least 20 seconds.
- Don’t touch your mouth, eyes or face.
- Social distance yourself. Restrict human contact to one and a half metres. No hugs. No handshakes.
- Cancel non-essential events. Go online wherever possible. Consider self-isolating.

Resilience for Writers
- Scribble down your feelings and emotions in your journal every day. Make positive plans.
- Write your story, the one that’s in your heart. Write EVERY single day.
- Submit your polished manuscript to publishers. Follow submission guidelines carefully.

Glorious Books
Enjoy reading uplifting books every single day. Books will empower you to stay strong.
Read out-loud to children. Be a reading role model.
Support your local indie bookshop. Order books online.

The Future
The world will be different.
There’ll be new ways of sharing books, creating book events and … a virtual community for writers and readers.
Be open-minded and positive. Uplift others. Embrace the change. Provide a random act of kindness daily.
Writers and books will survive, if we fight for them.
Remember we are all in this together. You are not alone.
So, get busy writing that next book!
Warmly, Karen & Steve xx

How are you keeping Resilient? … Please Comment/ LIKE. 🙂
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Mon Repos Saves Endangered Turtles
I encountered endangered turtles at Mon Repos, Bundaberg. For me, Karen Tyrrell, author of children’s eco book Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue, it was a dream come true.
Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue is my children’s STEM-enviro novel featuring science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It encourages children to take action to save the reef and its marine creatures.
I’m privileged Sir David Attenborough, Queensland Museum, schools and libraries support my book.
 Sir David Attenborough sent me a letter of support.
What did I experience at Mon Repos?
A ranger guide led Steve Tyrrell and I down to the beach to search for a loggerhead turtle nest. Dusk and rain clouds make the night darker than normal. Moonlight struggled to break through but was visible high on the horizon.
 Steve and I at Mon Repos Turtle Centre
One by one, a clutch of 132 baby turtle hatchings emerge from the sand. Thrilled, I touch a hatchling in the palm of my hand. Their powerful flippers paddle in non-stop swimming motions.
Shining a torch light, I join a people-tunnel of low light beams guiding the hatchings from their release point into the ocean. Incredibly exciting as turtles actually crawl over my feet on their way to freedom. Such an exhilarating and emotional experience.
Please place this to the top of your bucket list.
 Baby hatching turtles
How is Climate Change endangering Turtles?
Australia has experienced four years of high summer temperatures. Loggerhead Turtle eggs incubate between 26–32 °C. Any higher than that, turtle hatchlings won’t survive the birthing process or scampering on super-heated beach sands.
Of most interest, I found turtle eggs kept at a constant incubating temperature of 32 °C become females. Eggs incubating at 28 °C become males. An incubation temperature of 30 °C results in an equal ratio of male to female hatchlings.
High sea levels and stronger storms erode and destroy their beach habitats. Warming oceans change ocean currents, potentially introducing sea turtles to new predators and harming the coral reefs some of them need to survive.
 A clutch of hatchings ready to scurry down to the ocean.
5 Ways Kids can Save Marine Turtles.
- Cut the GLOW to help turtles go – Turn off outside lights, pull curtains closed
- Reduce plastics especially bags and straws.
- Don’t let helium balloons go up into the sky. They fall into our water ways.
- Watch where you walk on the beach especially at night.
- Pick up all litter in the waterways.
What is Mon Repos Turtle Centre?
 Mon Repos Turtle Centre
This area has the largest concentration of turtles on Eastern Coast of Australia. The centre is dedicated to endangered marine turtles: research, protection and education
A turtle ranger/scientist takes you on a group tour from 7pm -2am. Opens from October to March.
Phone 1300 722 099.
 Thanks Rebecca Coulombe for sharing your knowledge.
Mon Repos Encounter Book HERE
FREE Gift Bags with book, Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue
songbirdbooks.com Amazon

Who wants to go to Mon Repos?
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Grants For Writers Masterclass Online
Winner of 6 grants, author Karen Tyrrell shares her secrets to Grant Writing for Australian writers and authors.
Come to my Grants For Writers Masterclass and learn how to write and win a grant.
What are Karen Tyrrell’s Qualifications?

I’m an award-winning author, teacher, key-note speaker and presenter, winner of 6 grants.
- I delivered writing-based talks to Queensland Writers Centre, CYA Conference, Brisbane City Libraries, schools and festivals.
- My ground-breaking resilience book won a mentorship with the Society of Editors (QLD)
- I presented 3 grant writing Masterclasses for Moreton Bay Libraries, Logan City Council and Write Links Children’s writers group.

- Winning picture book, Ready Set Discover Logan follows the virtual reality journey of a migrant girl and an aboriginal boy. Themes include diversity, inclusion, friendship and environment. It won an Arts Queensland grant.

- My picture book, Harry Helps Grandpa Remember raises awareness of dementia and Alzheimer’s to young and old through humor and empathy. It won a RADF grant.

Grants For Writers Masterclass
In my masterclass, I reveal a step by step guide to writing and winning a literary grant.
I show you how to strategize, research, plan and write a strong grant application. Plus build relationships and market the book once a grant is allocated.
Masterclass includes FREE notes, grant links, grant writing activities and Q&A.

Saturday 13th June 9:30am to 12:00pm
Did you book your ticket yet?
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