Resilience for Writers 2020

Resilience for Writers

Resilience for Writers 2020

With each news update on the corona virus, I go into a state of shock.

Will I be able to cope?

I brand myself as a resilience author (Karen Tyrrell) – a survivor of school workplace bullying and mental health issues.

Now is the time for me to spend extra-time on self-care and coping skills. I urge you do too.

Resilience for Writers

 Coping Strategies

  1. Restrict how much news you watch. I suggest no more than once a day.
  2. Exercise daily outside in the fresh air with positive self-talk.
  3. Spend time in glorious nature every day. Listen to the birds. Breathe fresh air. Tend your pot plants or garden.
  4. Laugh, giggle, sing, dance. Humor is powerful, reducing stress. Watch comedy shows.

  1. Be grateful for each day. Meditate. Practice mindfulness.
  2. Practice kindness to yourself and to others. Keep yourself calm. Take slow, deep breaths.
  3. Get enough sleep. Unplug an hour before bed time.
  4. Connect with your support team. Ask each other RU OK?

Keep Safe

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Don’t touch your mouth, eyes or face.
  3. Social distance yourself. Restrict human contact to one and a half metres. No hugs. No handshakes.
  4. Cancel non-essential events. Go online wherever possible. Consider self-isolating.

Resilience for Writers

  1. Scribble down your feelings and emotions in your journal every day. Make positive plans.
  2. Write your story, the one that’s in your heart. Write EVERY single day.
  3. Submit your polished manuscript to publishers. Follow submission guidelines carefully.

Resilience for Writers

Glorious Books

Enjoy reading uplifting books every single day. Books will empower you to stay strong.

Read out-loud to children. Be a reading role model.

Support your local indie bookshop. Order books online.

The Future

The world will be different.

There’ll be new ways of sharing books, creating book events and … a virtual community for writers and readers.

Be open-minded and positive. Uplift others. Embrace the change. Provide a random act of kindness daily.

Writers and books will survive, if we fight for them.

Remember we are all in this together. You are not alone.

So, get busy writing that next book!

Warmly, Karen & Steve xx

Resilience for Writers

 How are you keeping Resilient? …    Please Comment/ LIKE. 🙂

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10 comments to Resilience for Writers 2020

  • steve tyrrell

    Karen has experienced horrible things in her life that drove her to the edge of mental wellness. If anyone can comment on resilience, what it means to come through the other end, it’s her. In these unprecedented times here are some sound and positive tips we can all take to enhance our own resilience. This coronavirus event looks like a long one. Keep strong.

  • Thanks Steve, you too have survived life’s challenges and mental health issues.
    Together we will support the writing community and share pro-active ways to remain resilient.
    Take care,
    Karen xx

  • Hi Artelle,
    Lovely to see you here.
    YES, It will pass. But as writers we will adapt and become more resilient and more resourceful.
    Take care,
    Karen x

  • Thanks Karen. I feel you. Great advice for each and everyone of us.

  • Thanks Bernie for checking out my resilience tips. I’m thrilled they resonate with you.
    Take care,
    Karen x

  • Great advice, Karen. Stay well and out of harm’s way. It’s not such a difficult thing for writers. 🙂

  • Thanks Norah for taking a peek. I’m self-isolating except for daily walks through parklands and rainforests on the weekend.
    You take care too.
    Hugs x

  • Fantastic blog post, Karen and Steve! Much needed advice at the moment! Take care! x

  • Thanks so much Jacqui, Please take care, Hugs Karen & Steve xx

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