TV Interview How did my Manic Psychotic BRAIN Recover?

Richard Hill of MindScience TV probed my mind to find out how parent-teacher bullying led to my mental breakdown,  turning into Madness and Mania  … and later RECOVERY.

My books, Me & Her: A Memoir Of Madness and Me & Him: A Guide to Recovery are highlighted in this interview.

Richard Hill, psychotherapist explains my strange psychotic behaviours with Neuroscience and HOW my brain coped with disintegration and RE-integration.

Check out my introduction…

Karen Tyrrell (Australia) – Teacher, author, educator and inspiring speaker about her personal, harrowing story of bullying in the workplace and her struggle with mental health –

A battle she has won and written about in TWO books not to be missed …

“What Do We Learn?

* The daunting story of a teacher being bullied by parents at her school.
* How this bullying eventually led to a mental breakdown.
* How Karen dealt with the struggle to Recover and the writing of her memoir.”

HOW do I watch the interView??

Go to the link below, register on the optin form, follow email instructions then click > on the video screen.
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Watch >> HERE

READ Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness

READ Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery

What did you think of my tell-all interview?

Can you identify with my personal story of bullying, breakdown, mental disintegration and RECOVERY?

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