YAY! My tell-all feature interview goes to air this Monday night!!

Me & Leisa Goddard
Leisa Goddard TV journalist from Channel 7 News interviewed me at my Brisbane home on my dramatic memoir, ME and Her: A Memoir of Madness. She quizzed me on my personal teacher experiences with violent children and abusive parents.
And how bullying triggered my screaming night terrors and psychotic mental illness.
Early that day, the producer rang unexpectedly, requesting my expertise as a senior teacher and mental health advocate.
When the producer said that the TV crew would arrive at my home in four hours-time my hands began to shake.
Could I really say YES to the interview?
I pray: This interview will increase understanding of bullying & mental illness.
I finally agreed. Leisa Goddard and the TV crew squeezed into my tiny home office. She bombarded me with question after question about my experiences outlined in ME and Her: A Memoir of Madness
I paused several times, overwhelmed. I hoped this TV interview will lead to greater understanding of how ordinary teachers and children can be affected by repeated bullying.
Read ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness…HERE
Finalist in Mental Health achievement awards
READ … ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery… HERE
Supported by Mental Health CEOs
PLEASE tune-in to Today Tonight this Monday night at 6.30pm
Let me know: Did I do the right thing?
Can this interview lead to positive discussions on mental illness, violence in schools, and move towards early intervention and possible solutions?
Please keep your fingers crossed, and say a little prayer for me.
 Will YOU be watching??
Please tell ALL your friends and family to listen in.
Especially parents and teachers.
SHARE with everyone you know via social networks. LIKE> Tweet > Google +
This is huge, Karen. Congratulations and well done.
I look forward to seeing the interview.
Love and Light,
Robyn ox
Thanks so much Robyn, for commenting here. I appreciate your supportive and generous words.
In the thirty minute interview at my home I gave my honest opinions.
Praying that the story will have positive outcomes … Karen 🙂
I must set the DVD recorder.
Thanks Graham,
I hope Today Tonight do the right thing and show solutions as well as the problems … Karen
PS I’m hoping to record the show as well 🙂
Thisis really great Karen. It is good exposure for you and I am sure you would have done a great job the the interview.
Thanks Moana, for coming here to support me. Fingers crossed the interview is broadcasted the way I hoped… Karen 🙂
PS See you at the next LCWIB meeting
Congratulations on your bravery Karen
I’m sure the interview will be a great success!
You will be expressing the thoughts of many.
Thank you
Hi Karen, am currently en route home from work but will try & be home in time or else will watch the interview online. Well done xx
Thanks Mel, The easy part was the interview at my home.
The angsty part is waiting it to go to air .. taking slow deep breaths … Karen 🙂
Thanks Kiera, This interview is the feature story so will definitely be videoed. I will put it on You tube too… Karen 🙂
Bummer I missed it. Will have to hunt it down online. Congrats on the exposure, both for yourself and mental health.
Karen, the interview was great! You should be proud of yourself, once again! You did your books, your role as an author and public speaker, as well as a mental health advocacy proud! Congratulations to you once again Karen! 🙂
When I get down load back, I will be so excited to watch this.
Thanks Steph for your awesome support and for mental health. I’ll be posting a follow-up with links … Karen 🙂
Thanks Heather I really appreciate your very kind words. Its getter easier to be brave and speak out … Karen 🙂
Hi Karen,
I’ll be posting a link to the Show in a few hours. Please come back to my website to check … Thanks Karen 🙂
A really important interview. Thanks for making it available on your site. I watched it twice. Your point about kids being ‘damaged’ was spot on and your career timeline of behavioural problems per class was so appallingly true. The interviewer’s comment linking the level of teacher stress to post-military service psychological conditions had real impact. The public needs to know this!
Thanks Judi for watching the TV interview and commenting here from your very understanding viewpoint as a fellow teacher. Take care, Karen xx 🙂