Mental Health & Creative Writing: My Parallel Journey

faw-logo-for-blog-214x111-214x111-3This Saturday I’ll reveal my unique journey to publishing to a crowd of Brisbane writers … How did I combine my dual passions for mental health and creative writing?

In January, Mark Russell, vice president of the Fellowship of Australian Writers Queensland invited me to speak at the Brisbane FAW meeting on June 25th. He offered this advice…

“ME AND HER memoir is destined to be published. With your short story of a similar theme being published in February 2012, and with a positive review from professional editor Sally Odgers under your belt, one would think the natural gravity of the situation … and the fact mental health is rising to the fore in the media and governmental policies, would lend itself to publication”.

My BIO is featured in the June edition of FAWQ’s magazine, SCOPE.

What secrets will I divulge?

In the first five minutes I’ll disclose details of my mental health recovery. This usually sets my jelly wobble knees a-shaking and my voice a-quivering. Once that angst is out of my system, I promise to settle into the flow of my writing journey, feeding off the audience’s positive energy.  I’ll reveal the connection between writing and my recovery.

The super-organized teacher within wrote my speech. Here’s a few snippets …

My dual passions for mental health and writing have now merged …

EXCITING NEWS: I’m the facilitator of an exciting ground breaking Mental Health program soon to be launched  in Brisbane. I’ll be announcing details on my website very soon. Who would believe six years ago, in the depths of mania and madness that I would become a mental health advocate AND a multi-genre writer with publishers requesting and/or considering my #5 books?”

Calling all Brisbanites …  please come along and support me at Brisbane Square Library at 2.00 pm this Saturday, 25th June. You’ll find me in the Community Meeting Room (downstairs), 266 George Street Brisbane.

I’ll answer all the questions you’re dying to ask.
I’d love to meet my online friends face-to-face.
Please let me know if you’re coming and I’ll keep you a seat.

Anyone have a cure for jelly-wobble legs and a jittery voice?

Please wish me  lotsa luck :))

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10 comments to Mental Health & Creative Writing: My Parallel Journey

  • Warren

    Congrats Karen. Sounds fabulous. Wish more people would make a stand speaking out on mental health. Wish I could be there. Good luck.

  • Thanks Warren for dropping by. It’s getting easier to talk about my recovery the further in I go. So sorry you can’t make it. But I understand :))

  • Lexie Mitchell

    Sorry I can’t be there this time, Karen. My thoughts will be with you but I know you will just win everyone over, and I’m sure you will get a lot of feedback.

  • Graham Clements

    Just pretend you’re talking to school kids. Wish you well.

  • Thanks Lexie. I know you’ll be there in spirit. Thanks for all your fabulous support for the last two years. Really appreciate it:))

  • Thanks Graham, You’re right. I don’t get nervous talking to kids. I’ll shrink my audience down a few sizes :))

  • This is fantastic Karen!!
    So wish I could make it!
    Maybe someone could utube it for us that live too far away? 🙂
    You’ll be fantastic-speak with passion, speak from the heart and feel your audience. The best talks I’ve done have been when I’ve let myself really get into the passion of the moment; And passion is something you have so much of!!
    Rebecca xx

  • Thanks Rebecca, for being excited for me. Tonight you’re a little one woman marching fan club. Really appreciate your support. Not sure if I can swing a utube video but I’ll definitely get a load of photos. My best speech up-to-date was at GCWA when I meditated in the car along the way, arriving cool as a cucumber :))

  • That is so awesome, Karen! I know just how you feel about speaking to large groups, but once you start talking to them your anxiety will dissipate! Your passion will carry you and you’ll do great!

    BTW, my new website––––is now online and combines my website, blog and my passion (taking flight section) Please take a look at it. I’d love for you to guest blog again––maybe about your experience with your talk on saturday, or you could share some of your fantastic author education on my author central section. You are a wealth of knowledge and so in line with my audience!

    Also, Wingless Butterfly, print and ebook, is now available on Amazon and on my website. It’s been a long time coming but now you’ll be able to read how much we have in common. 🙂

    Good luck saturday––you go girl!! Casi

  • Hi Casi, thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it :)) I’d love to guest blog again but not sure when. My schedule is hectic at the moment with writing projects and workshops. Good luck with your new book and website. Looks fabulous :))

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