SH*T happens! Our lives derail off the track …
Accidents happen! … Things break! … We get sick! … We lose our jobs and precious family and friends! … Or worse still, we become mentally ill.
My Confession …
When I taught as a school teacher, parents harassed me until breaking point.
I developed severe stress, night terrors, mania, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder.
I reveal my tell-all story, my journey into and out of mental illness in …
Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness. 
I share my guide to recovery and wellness tips, my coming ‘Back from INSANITY‘ in …
ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery.
How did I Bounce Back and Reclaim my life?
How do I Stay WELL and Keep Strong?
#7 Steps to Bouncing Back & Keeping Resilient
1. Accept what’s happened
2. Embrace and express all the emotions you’re feeling
3. Increase exercise, to lift your mood and clarify your thinking
4. Request help from your support team
5. Engage in ME time: Immerse yourself in relaxing activities you really enjoy
6. Write down how you’re feeling
7. Create and practice a pro-active wellness plan to increase your day-to-day resilience.
I’m passionate about mental health for adults … AND for KIDS too.
Prevention is FAR better than CURE.
My mission is to return to school as an author-teacher with Bailey Beats the BLAH to empower children and families with Resilience skills.
Bailey Beats the BLAH, picture book is launching October 26 with coping skills to help KIDS bounce back AND strengthen their self-confidence, self-reliance and emotional awareness.
Please SHOUT OUT these resilience skills to your friends and family!
Sending HEALING hugs your way 🙂
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