BLAST OFF! Bailey Beats the Blah *5 Star REVIEW zoomed out to schools across Australia via the Teacher Librarian network.
A Teacher Librarian reviewed my empowering Mental Health picture book, Bailey Beats the Blah on The Bottom Shelf website with an incredible rap. She emailed the entire review to thousands of schools via the OZTL NET and NSW TL Network.
I’m bursting with pride, knowing Bailey Beats the Blah will be boosting KIDS self-esteem, coping skills and self-reliance.
I’ve dedicated my life as a passionate mental health advocate since my recovery from long term parent-teacher abuse triggering bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
I published my Award winning resilience MEMOIRS …
Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness …My journey into and out of Madness
Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery My Journey Back from INSANITY … and His from Depression.
Check out Bailey’s REVIEW…
‘Bailey has moved to a new school and he HATES it. He drags himself around the house … feeling worse and worse as the time to leave gets closer. He has a real dose of the BLAHs. Even his dog can’t cheer him up. But this isn’t just a case of Monday-it is
– Bailey is lonely and isolated and he thinks all the other kids are laughing at him and whispering about him. How can Bailey change his blah to ha-ha-ha?’
‘Author Karen Tyrrell has taken a very common situation and turned it into a story that will resonate with Baileys (and Barbara’s) across the nation …’
‘Many children in new schools are trying to find their feet in a new environment and create new friendship groups amongst kids… For many, there is no hope they will ever break the code of friendship …they beat themselves up and drive themselves down into what can develop into childhood depression. ‘
‘A strong message in this book … scope for discussion about how we can make newcomers welcome particularly in situations like school where there is no choice about attending … Opportunity to help students develop empathy and compassion and the skills to reach out warmly to newcomers, embracing them rather than isolating them.
Opportunity to help students look within themselves for their own strengths and how they might use these to build their self-worth and help others. ‘
‘A visit to her website shows she’s a strong advocate for kids’ mental health and in Bailey Beats the Blah. Having travelled her own personal path of a psychiatric illness after being so harassed by parents Karen could take it no longer, she is now making mental health a focus through her writing. A percentage of the profits of the book are going to Kids Helpline
‘A real sense that this character could be Any Child at Any School.’
‘Very timely purchase for a school collection … so they can touch base with all their new students and see how they’re settling in, and, like Miss Darling, intervene if necessary.
For those in Australia it is aligned to the Kids Matter program but it should have a place in every health program.”
Bailey Beats the Blah is available on Amazon in print and ebook HERE
FREE Teacher Notes and FREE Kids activities HERE
Read the FULL Review HERE
Please come back here to COMMENT. What do think of Bailey’s School Review?
WHERE: Can schools purchase a copy of Bailey Beats the Blah?
1. Direct from the Author at $16.99 a signed copy including postage anywhere in Australia. Ready for immediate delivery … Please leave a comment on my contact page.
2. From bookshops … Black Cat Paddington, Riverbend Brisbane , The Really Good Book Shop Hillcrest.
MORE book shops coming soon 🙂
3. From Amazon in ebook or print
4. From Library suppliers
Great news for you and for the schools, Karen.
Thanks Dale for being excited for me. I can hardly believe it myself.
Even MORE exciting News is brewing right now … Please stay tuned for the next announcement… Karen 🙂
With your great work ethic, great writing, honesty, knowledge and desire to help others, you deserve your success Karen.
Hi Graham, Thanks so much for coming here with your very kind words of support.
You’ve encouraged me for over two years now since I first came out about Me and Her:A Memoir of Madness.
Thanks for cheering me on … Karen 🙂
Hi Karen. It’s great that news about Baily s getting out to the right people who can it into a child’s hands.
It has also reminded me that I need to buy a copy for my girls’ primary school library. I will let you know when I have transferred the money.
Hi Steph,
Thanks for your awesome support. This Teacher Librarian review is a godsend.
So many Kids will be able to read Bailey Beats the Blah.
A Much BIGGER announcement is coming soon … Please stay tuned … Karen 🙂
[…] Bailey Beats the Blah ZOOMS out to Oz Schools » CREATE a Picture Book Workshop FREE EVER wanted to Create and Publish a KIDS Picture […]
[…] child. Reviews from Teacher Librarian network OzTL were sent to EVERY school in Australia Read HERE […]
[…] 5% of sales go to Kids Helpline, supporting kids in crisis. ALL kids will receive goodies from Kids Helpline including stickers and fridge magnets. […]
[…] REVIEW of Bailey from the Teacher-Librarian network zoomed out to *thousands*of schools HERE […]