CREATE a Picture Book Workshop FREE

EVER wanted to Create and Publish a KIDS Picture Book??

Join me, pro-active Brisbane author-teacher Karen Tyrrell as I share my pro-active steps in creating and publishing a successful children’s picture book.

ALL participants will receive my step-by-step guides

•    How to Create a Picture book

•    How to Get Published

My KIDS picture book Bailey Beats the Blah received ★★★★★ Reviews from teachers, school counselors and psychologists,  supported by Education Queensland. READ HERE

A Review from the Teacher-Librarian network zoomed out to **thousands** of schools across Australia READ HERE

I’ll share ALL my secrets into Writing a Publishable picture book  

I, Karen Tyrrell have presented creative writing workshops and story telling to schools; and writing workshops to libraries, hospitals and writing conferences.


“Excellent presentation! Very informative and highly credible – you were obviously speaking from experience. Thank you for not only encouraging your fellow writers but giving great practical and realistic advice as to what steps are required to get published. If I were you, I’d now add ‘Writing Coach’ to your title”–Wendy Millgate: Editor

“Karen is a vibrant presenter with an inspirational story to tell. She speaks with great authority, having learned through hard-won experience. Her topic is interesting and her enthusiasm is contagious.” – Ali Stegert: School Counsellor

Come Join my FREE Picture Book workshop

WHERE: TLC Lounge Hyperdome Library

Mandew St,  Shailer Park BRISBANE

WHEN: Tuesday 11th March 6-7.30 pm

A light supper will be provided from 5.30pm.

Seats LIMITED to 30: Ring 3412 4120

PS I’ll personally sign copies of Bailey Beats the Blah

Download FREE Teacher Notes FREE Kids Activities HERE

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