Rainforest Rescue #6 BEST New Adventure Book in the World

Rainforest Rescue on Amazon Release

Rainforest Rescue #6 BEST New Adventure Book in the World

OMG! My heart pounded with both disbelief … and with pride!

It’s Official: Rainforest Rescue was rated #6 BEST New Adventure Book in the World according to Bookauthority (4/9/2018). Scroll Down to #6 … HERE

HOW did Rainforest Rescue #6 BEST New Adventure […]

Amazon Launches Rainforest Rescue Worldwide

Rainforest Rescue on Amazon Release

Amazon Launches Rainforest Rescue Worldwide

Last Saturday, I launched Rainforest Rescue to a crowd of fans, supporters, friends, family … and little superheroes.

★★★★★ Rainforest Rescue is now available on Amazon as a print and eBook.

Amazon Launches Rainforest Rescue (Song Bird 3)

Half-Bird … Half-Girl … ALL SUPERHERO

Gondwana Rainforest is dying.
