Sponsorship Funds for my Next Book

WOOHOO! I, Karen Tyrrell, won a sponsorship for an upcoming writing project for the community.

I’ve waited and waited for this news for over a month. I can’t believe I actually did it!

As an award winner author, teacher and speaker, I’m thrilled and proud to be sponsored to create an empowering children’s book. I’m […]

Raising Resilient Children PUBLISHED

WHO wants to raise happy, resilient children who bounce back? … I DO!!

MAGAZINE South City Bulletin published my article Raising Resilient Children by teacher Karen Tyrrell in their February edition.

As award winning resilience author of children’s books Bailey Beats the Blah and STOP the Bully, I teach children and families how to Live […]

Bailey Jets off to the USA

SQUEE! Bailey Beats the BLAH arrived today just in time! Anthony Puttee of Book Cover Café, my publishing adviser handed over my Bailey proof. My hands shook, barely able to turn the pages in eager anticipation.

Couldn’t believe it! … Bailey was EXACTLY how I envisioned… Picture book PERFECT. Take a look at the eye […]