Logan Women’s Wellness Day

I’m delivering an empowering Life Writing session to Logan women to celebrate Mental Health Week.

Logan Women’s Health and Well-being Centre is presenting THE EDGE, a FREE day of creative arts activities, exploring #3 aspects of mental health… Recovery, managing and maintaining.

My Life Writing Session at 12:30

I’ll read excerpts from ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness, my memoir of RECOVERY.

To show how reflective writing empowered me to recover from mental illness. I’ll demonstrate how you can express your deepest thoughts, emotions and feelings via journal and poetry writing.

My Life Writing session is part of an innovative program I developed for Logan Hospital patients, contracted by Queensland Health.

Throughout the day I’ll be signing copies of ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness.

Calling Logan women to participate in this Creative Arts event to enhance their wellness.

Activities include: Writing / poetry… singing/music … drama/ comedy… sculpture/ craft … visual arts … dance/ movement

WHEN: Thursday 11th October 10-2pm

WHERE: Logan Women’s Health and Well-being Centre,

1 Mary St Kingston 3808 9233

BYO: Lunch or Tasty Fresh $5 coffee & cake on the deck

Please RSVP to this Facebook event “THE EDGE”

ALL participants will take home special surprises and resources.

A special thanks to Cate Black for organizing this amazing FREE event             and Amanda Ahern for co-ordinating it.

LOVE to see you there.

BOOK Giveaway ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness

Read #20 pages here for FREE

Please leave a comment below to WIN a FREE copy

Please SHARE this news to Women throughout Logan and Brisbane.

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