How to Engage an Audience at a Writing Seminar

Not hail, nor rain nor severe weather warnings kept my audience away at my Author Platform/ Book Marketing presentation in Brisbane last night. My smile widened as each eager participant sloshed through the door. I warmly welcomed each partaker as they arrived, inviting them to introduce themselves and divulge their writing passion. Yes, everyone loved […]

How do Writers FIND a Agent?

I was grappling with my greatest dilemma … Do I really need an agent? … Do I know enough about the publishing industry to go it alone? … Is it worth paying an agent a percentage of my contract?… Can an agent help my Publishing career?

The pros and cons swum round my writer’s brain […]

Secrets of Writing Picture Books

How do you write a picture book? … Creating a picture book is easy, isn’t it? Only 500 words and the audience is under 8 years old. So they won’t care! … WRONG!

Picture books are the most competitive of all genres to write and get published! … Why?

Some publishers prefer prolific picture […]


A children’s publisher requested Josh and the It, my kids’ sci-fi chapter book I turned a query letter into a request for my manuscript. How?

For the last month I’ve researched children’s publishers, pouring over the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace, and publisher’s websites including their submission guidelines. I discovered my manuscript was too short […]

My Inner Sanctums

Welcome. You are entering the inner sanctums of my writing workspace. Where the seeds to my stories are cultivated, nurtured and grown to their full maturity.

Let me be your guide.

1. Gallery of Dreams (top) … My focus is to become Published. Each framed picture represents the title and cover of a completed (or […]

Qld Premier Awards

The Short-Listers were announced today. Congratulations everyone! I checked my name on their website three times or was it four? … Nope, not there!

In May, I applied for EMERGING QLD AUTHOR ─ MANUSCRIPT AWARD, with my heart full of hope and my head full of dreams.

PRIZE: $20,000 with a Publishing contract with […]

Which Publisher?

My Book Proposal is almost completed, ready to send to a publisher next week. Now which one do I send it to?

I’m thumbing through the Australian Writers Marketplace in the Publishers Section, searching for Publishers that I’ll have the highest chance of hitting the mark.

Publishers that will:-

• Accept submissions in my genre […]