Winner All of Us Together Book Giveaway

Bill Condon

Winner: Check out your name below to see if you WON new release: All of us Together.

Its an entertaining children’s novel dealing with challenges a family faces during the Great Depression.

Winner announced at the end of the blog…

Meet Bill Condon, award winning Australian author of All of Us Together.

I , […]

How to Write a Successful Story using my #10 TOP WRITING Secrets

Do you want a story that connects with the reader? Leaving them begging for more? A story that is publishable and in big demand? … Then follow my #10 Secrets for a successful story.


A children’s publisher requested Josh and the It, my kids’ sci-fi chapter book I turned a query letter into a request for my manuscript. How?

For the last month I’ve researched children’s publishers, pouring over the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace, and publisher’s websites including their submission guidelines. I discovered my manuscript was too short […]

August was Awesome

August was month of supersonic proportions! The month of August launched with JOSH AND THE IT zooming away to the Children’s Publisher Leonie Tyle recommended, with her brilliant review attached and a kick-ass marketing plan.

Last week Donna Jelli-Beanz interrogated me on JOSH’s past and future, bribing me with jelli-beanz and cups of tea to […]