The Hunt for an Agent Begins …

I’ve scraped my self-doubt off the floor, once again …

Two weeks ago, I entered a competition, called BOOK IN A NUTSHELL, to gain attention from a US agent. I wrote a 3-sentence blurb about my memoir in 150 words or less. Only winning entrants contacted.

Well, that date has come and gone. No luck this time.

My mind is churning over … how can I improve it?  I scrutinised my blurb with a barbed-wire comb. Did the first sentence really portray the essence of my story, hooking the Reader in? Did the rest encapsulate the events leading up to the pivotal conflicts and triumphs?  Did I show the intense internal and external conflicts of the main character? In this case, me?

Last time I was far too coy in getting to the heart of my tell-all memoir. What words would nail the Agent against the wall and hold them there, with two thumbs pressed into their throat? Figuratively speaking.

Ah, yes. I’ve rewritten my pitch and this time it’s ready! ( But I’ll be forever tweaking it!)

What’s my next pro-active step, in getting my book published?

NEWSFLASH … I’ve just booked into the Publishers and Agents seminar to be held at Queensland Writer’s Centre, Brisbane on Thursday 14th May. Hope to discover some insider secrets and to equip me for the task.

And learn more strategies to attract the Agent’s attention.

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