WINNERS of Bailey Beats the Blah Blog Tour Bookgiveaway

Thanks for your enthusiastic support for Bailey Beats the Blah blog tour … checking out my reviews and interviews:

Bailey hopped over 14 stops from November 3-18.

SPECIAL thanks to HOSTS: Angela Sunde, Beth Cregan, Jill Smith, Bugina Book, Nicky Johnston, Alison Douglas Stegert, Melissa Wray, Charmaine Clancy, Creative Kids Tales, Dimity Powell, Catherine Oehlman, […]


WRITING a novel is all about developing a killer plot and believable characters to their full potential. Honest feedback and critique can fine-tune your manuscript into something publishable !! …

Konnichiwa! … I’m announcing : SAYONARA is now in the critical final stages, and I’m considering every suggestion that my Beta readers are making.


One Roller Coaster Week

Last week I reached rock bottom with the Worst News and later climbed the dizzy heights with the BEST News. Such is the roller coaster life of a writer. Last Monday I received an incredulous email from a ‘new’ publisher who had earlier discussed publishing my memoir. She wanted me to pay her $8,800 for […]