Structural Edit Song Bird 3

Structural Edit Song Bird 3

My children’s superhero novel, Song Bird 3 is zooming in soon!

I just finished collaborating with a professional editor on a structural edit to prepare Song Bird 3 for publishing at Digital Future Press.

Penny Springthorpe, ex Penguin editor worked with me on structural edits for Song Bird series: Song […]

WRITING Secrets: How to Transform your First Five Pages

Do you want your novel to immediately STAND OUT from the vast competition? And attract the attention of Agents and Publishers? I’ve discovered an inspirational book and its radically turning my writing around. This ultimate writing manual‘s transforming my prose into a higher more successful level. Its converting my text into something more […]

38 Fiction Writing Mistakes

I’ve just discovered this AMAZING book for Aspiring Writers. ‘The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes’ by Jack M. Bickham.

Bickham instructs the Beginner and Emerging Writer, all the way to the more Experienced, on how to advance your Creative Writing to the next level.

Doctor Kim Wilkins from QWC explained at our final Year […]