Mayor Pam Parker purchased Bailey for Logan KIDS

With much pride, I handed over multi-copies of Bailey Beats the Blah, KIDS mental health book to Mayor Pam Parker at the Caring Women United morning tea held at Logan City Council chambers.

My heart pattered as I spoke of my journey into and out of parent-teacher harassment and mental illness

AND writing my recovery books…

Me and Her : A Memoir of Madness and Me and Him : A Guide to Recovery

Mayor Pam Parker spoke of her  passion for Early Literacy Projects in Logan Schools especially those which help break the cycle of disadvantage. Pam purchased copies of Bailey to hand out to volunteers who go into schools to help children to read.

PLUS Bailey books will also go to The Pajama Foundation whose Pajama Angel volunteers will take Bailey Beats the Blah into the homes of foster children to improve their literacy.

Bailey Beats the Blah empowers children to cope with sad days and worry thoughts, boosting self esteem and coping skills.

I, Karen Tyrrell, Logan author-teacher of Bailey Beats the Blah, am thrilled my mental health picture book is reaching out to disadvantaged kids in the Logan community.
Logan City Council pre-ordered my next children’s chapter book on anti-bullying to help solve this growing problem in schools … out in 2014.

MORE Exciting News…

I was filmed with Mayor Pam Parker for a You-Tube video,  People are the HEART of Logan ♥ Please watch out for it … I’m sitting in the front row 

Bailey is available in print and eBook from Amazon.

Download FREE teacher notes and FREE children’s activities from my website

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