How to Engage an Audience at a Writing Seminar

author-platform-website1Not hail, nor rain nor severe weather warnings kept my audience away at my Author Platform/ Book Marketing presentation in Brisbane last night. My smile widened as each eager participant sloshed through the door. I warmly welcomed each partaker as they arrived, inviting them to introduce themselves and divulge their writing passion. Yes, everyone loved to write.

After everyone was settled, I introduced myself, my books and my pro-active quest to publishing with #3 books under consideration. I revealed my secrets on how I grab Publishers attention with my kick-ass query letters, marketing plans and book proposals. Then I WOWED them with my power point presentation … Here’s a glimpse …

What’s my TOP #7 SECRETS for Publishing, Promoting & Marketing your Book?

•   develop your Brand or niche. What makes you & your book unique?

•    create an interactive website with clear menu tabs & widget buttons linking to twitter/ Facebook/ networking sites

•    set up a Facebook Fan page  AND a Facebook group page announcing your Blogs

•    match your manuscript to the ‘right’ publisher using Australian Writers Marketplace and online research

•    embrace the ‘Thank You Economy’ philosophy, building strong relationships. Be authentic. Connect on a personal level

•    develop a strategic marketing campaign. BE the News, BE media savvy. Send out press releases to newspapers & magazines.

•    create your own book trailer with Windows Movie Maker program.  Advertise on YouTube. Create interviews & readings.

How did/do I Engage the Audience at a Seminar?

•    make everyone feel warmly welcome
•    provide easy-to-follow handouts
•    start with the goals of the seminar and end with a summary of what they’ve learned
•    immerse the audience into a colourful audio-visual presentation
•   add humour & human honesty
•   request them to write down their questions for discussion later
•  invite participants to mingle over coffee
•   capture the event with a group photo

What will I do EXTRA next time?

I’ll offer name tags and set up a sign-on sheet

I was amazed by the overwhelming positive feedback and support I received.

‘Excellent presentation last night! Very informative and highly credible – you were obviously speaking from experience. Thank you for not only encouraging your fellow writers but giving great practical and realistic advice as to what steps are required to get published. If I were you, I’d now add ‘Writing Coach’ to your title’ … Wendy Millgate (Copyediting & Proofreading).

I left Logan North Library buzzing with exhilaration, remembering my first shaky attempts of public speaking only 14 months ago … I’ve come so far along my publishing and presenting journey.

My diary is booking out with speaking engagements and creative writing workshops.

And this is just the Beginning!

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20 comments to How to Engage an Audience at a Writing Seminar

  • Graham Clements

    I was wondering how you got your blog announcements to appear – using a facebook group page. Thanks for the info. Now I am off to see if I can get it to announce my blog posts.

  • Congratulations, Karen,

    Sounds like it all went really well.


  • Thanks Dee, I had a smile plastered over my face the entire night. I enjoyed presenting the seminar and loved the feedback :))

  • Hi Graham, Its easy to set up a Group page. Just check out Karen’s BLOG and create a page from there . Good luck :))

  • Lexie Mitchell

    Your hard work and perseverance are paying off, Karen. Thank you for your info. I always find it interesting.

  • Thank Lexie,
    I took a few hours/ days to prepare the seminar. But it was worth it as I learned so much in the process. Glad you find my Blogs stimulating :))

  • Joanna

    Well done, Karen. Glad you had fun at your presentation. You are so organised and motivated. More great tips here! Joanna x

  • Thanks Joanna, I had fun with the 14 people in attendance. ( A few slipped away before the photo). Had about 10 last minute apologies due to the bad weather.
    I had fun learning a new skill … Power point presentations. I’m Hooked now. Glad you liked the tips :))

  • Steph L

    KT – writing coach! group photo sounds like a great ide. think everybody appreciates it.

  • Hi Steph,
    Yes Wendy said “Writing Coach”! Unbelievable. I hoped for “enjoyed presentation” or something like that. LOL.
    I LOVE the group photo thing as a record of the night’s achievement.

  • Heather Golding

    Well done Karen, it sounds as if it was a really great evening. I would liked to have been there, if I could!!

  • Awesome work, Karen! I have no doubt that you would have inspired your listeners with building their own writers platform. We all need support and guidance especially as writing can be isolating at times.
    Well done 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  • Hi Heather,
    It WAS a fabulous evening and I KNOW you would have enjoyed it. I plan to present more of these seminars, so maybe you can come to the next one :))

  • Thanks so much for saying that Renee. I made the presentation fun, informative & interactive, so we all left with satisfied smiles on our faces 🙂

  • Karen,
    what a successful night and so well planned- yes I agree with the comment that you’d make a great writing coach! Well done.

  • Thanks Lorraine for your super kind comments. Presenting seminars and writing workshops are an EXTRA thing I love to do. But my main game will always be writing 🙂

  • Karen,
    Sounds as if it was a great night.
    Well done.

  • Thanks Alison, It was. At the end of the night I announced my case study published in a Marketing book.
    Guess what? IT CAME OUT TODAY! Please check out my newest Blog :))

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  • […] creative writing workshops to libraries and schools. I shared my marketing expertise in a seminar, Marketing for Authors and […]

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