YEEHAA! I received results from the CYA Conference competition on my two picture books. With hands shaking, I clicked open the emails, praying CYA’s feedback would be constructive, uplifting, … a positive blueprint on AMPING my stories to the HIGHEST publishing standard.
It WAS … and more!
Four months ago, I submitted my two stories in the Published Authors competition. I continued to work on my manuscripts with CRIT buddies from my face-to-face writing group Write Links and my Beta Readers too, amping up the story arc and characterization.
Constructive assessment is crucial to my growth as a writer, preparing my manuscripts for publishing.
How to AMP up your Writing
1. Keep believing you’ll get published … and you will. Search for writing competitions that offer feedback.
2. Join a writing group who critiques with positive feedback on what works, what could work better and suggestions.
3. Find a Beta Reader to swap same genre manuscripts with. Send a brief of what you’d like your Beta reader to look for or check whilst reading and critiquing. SEE #2
4. Submit your manuscript to CYA (Children’s and YA) Writers Conference who offer writing feedback on five levels: spelling and grammar, story, characterization, writing technique, reader enjoyability and The X Factor.
5. Contact Queensland Writers Centre for “The Writers Surgery”, a one-on-one 90 minute consultancy with a professional mentor. Send a 20 page sample of your work to receive guidance.
6. Submit your manuscript to a Professional editor who offers in-depth assessments. I recommend Sally Odgers of Affordable Manuscript Assessments who will assess your manuscript’s structure and writing techniques.
7. Take time to develop your manuscript to the highest standard possible using respected assessment and feedback techniques.
I NEED constructive feedback and assessment. It’s the ONLY way my stories will reach their full potential and be the very best they can be.
I’m constantly reaching for higher goals, for a wider outreach for my resilience books for children and adults.
CYA Judges feedback on my PICTURE books
Harry Helps Grandpa Remember
“Lovely story with a nice message … Good concept … Made me cry… A need out there for this type of book – Good luck – Hope to see it on the shelf soon.”
Ella Outsmarts the Bully
“Nicely done … Consider looking at the ending. Needs a twist or a punch to it.”
I rewrote Ella Outsmarts the Bully, adding that twist and punch, and a NEW sub-theme. I changed the main character’s name to Zena and titled it, Zena Outsmarts the Bully.
YES! A mainstream publisher requested to read Zena Outsmarts the Bully! She’s presently considering it for publication. Please cross your fingers that she’ll publish Zena. Cross your eyes and your toes too!
Thanks to all my Beta Readers and Crit buddies for helping me get Zena this far. Hugs xx
What feedback and assessments have improved your Writing?
How did your CYA feedback go?
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An uplifting post. Certainly encouraging to writers seeking to publish their work and receive constructive feedback to make that possible. I am in the process of making the suggested changes to my picture books and will definitely send them off to publishers. Great to know your story.
Hi June, Thanks for taking a peek at Journey to get my picture books assessed and published. Always a bit nerve racking putting up comments from judges on my work and revealing I’m “under consideration”. Thanks for critiquing another “piece” the other day … Karen 🙂
Good advice, Karen. And good luck with Zena. Fingers are crossed 🙂
Thanks Jacqui, for dropping by. Thanks for all the finger crossing for Zena.
I have my fingers and toes crossed for your dad’s memoir and your junior fiction novel … Good luck, Karen 🙂
Hi Karen, I agree with every single one of these steps!! Well done of the feedback and hope all goes well with Zena.
Thanks Lorraine for taking a peek. Thrilled you agree with my feedback tips. Thanks for your awesome support for Zena. Fingers crossed … Karen 🙂
I think giving your beta reader a list of what you are looking for is a great idea because most of the time I don’t have a clue (same goes for reviews).
Exciting news about the publisher! Fingers crossed for you, especially after doing 4 books on your own. My kida are getting too old for picyure books but I would still buy a print copy for the school library.
Just curious, why did you change the name from Ella to Zena?
And please tell me you haven’t forgotten about Josh. I liked him 🙂
Hi Steph,
Always lovely to see you here on my website. Thanks for your fab support for my upcoming picture books.
Why the name change from Ella to Zena? Its to do with a theme change. All will be revealed when you see the cover.
Thanks for being my #1 supporter of Josh. I’m almost finished re-writing it. It’ll be be Bigger, Better and more of a Blast!
Thanks … Karen 🙂
I love your site. Sent it to my daughter a first timer so hope she follows you for help.
I recently read a book by someone that is famous who obviously didn’t use a good knowledgeable proof reader, as they misquoted something then there was a whole lot of misspelling, which left folks reading it ( and there are many who I know purchased the book for study across the country as it was written as a teaching tool..dahhh …).. wondering if the writer even looked at it or had it proofed. The way I make mistakes in everyday writing. I know, I would need a swarm of proof readers if i were to try to publish what I have written. The occasional typo’s happen in any writing, from the printer.. but actual miss-quotes can be very misleading as to the actual writers knowledge and ability to know when the proof reader is not doing their job… In the end of it all thanks for sharing in your blog, and will be following along to see where it takes you…. have a blessed week!!! C.
Hi Carolyn,Thanks for dropping in to share your own experiences with writers and proofreaders. Thanks for your interest in my books, especially the one under consideration. Hope to see you here again… Karen 🙂