2017 How to Make it Your Year


2017 is going to be MY year!… I’m setting Achievable Goals for 2017: Guaranteed for success!

As a resilience author – teacher – speaker (Karen Tyrrell) I’m aiming HIGH determined to attain my goals and dreams! My passions for writing, speaking and resilience will drive me in 2017.

I’m creating my own luck and capitalizing on every opportunity presented to me.
With determination, I’m planning ahead every step of the way, setting realistic, achievable goals.


No Pie in the Sky dreams in 2017 for me

I’m focusing on my achievable goals and what I can accomplish and the practical steps to reach there. It’s time to reset my targets, as the New Year comes hurtling towards me.
My wish is to make 2017 my MOST memorable year, one to be proud of.

What’s your Main Goal in 2017?

Squeeze your eyes shut and visualize your Big Picture for 2016.
Which goal drives you the most? What do you want to achieve above everything else?


Concentrate on your main goal FIRST…

Now set practical mini-goals you can complete in three months or less.
Your brain will react to genuine personal goals that are S.M.A.R.T.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.
Display your goals at eye level as a constant reminder and incentive … on a whiteboard or vision board above your computer … and/or on your fridge.

Aim High in 2017…

3 MONTH GOALS for Writing Success

  1. Write every day with passion and conviction … Everything else will follow.
  2. Rewrite & Redraft every writing project you’ve created to the HIGHEST publishing standard possible.
  3. Send away completed projects to writing competitions, critiquers, Beta readers or to editors.
  4. Follow up on VIP emails … Take advantage of every constructive opportunity presented to you
  5. Extend your writers platform, reaching out to your community: face-to-face and online.
  6. RESEARCH … RESEARCH … RESEARCH every writing project, every opportunity that ignites your interest. Understand how the publishing industry works from the inside out.
  7. Join a pro-active writing group or sign up to a writing course that will assist you achieve your goals.
  8. Network and Critique with writers who have a similar passion to you. Create pro-active partnerships.
  9. Be creative … envisage a brand new project that excites you.
  10. Tick off every success along the way!

I’m so proud of where I’m come from as a bullied teacher… Parents at my school harassed me to breaking point, triggering mental illness within me… Now I’m the recovered author of eight published resilience books … More Here

My Personal Goals for 2017

  1. Publish a new action-packed book for children in 2017 that will excite, entertain and empower kids to live strong. This is my MAIN goal and what drives me.
  2. Spread positive resilience messages via my published books at Digital Future Press. Share positive messages at my speaking events, writing workshops, author talks, storytelling, incorporating humor as a coping skill.


ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness

Me & HIM: A Guide to Recovery


STOP the Bully

Bailey Beats the Blah

Harry Helps Grandpa Remember

Jo-Kin Battles the It

Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra

Song Bird Superhero

 3. Mentor writers to achieve their writing and publishing goals through my Book Marketing Masterclass on Jan 28 and writing workshops.

4. Share my books to a wider audience including MORE schools, MORE libraries, MORE bookshops and MORE networks.

5.Present MORE writing workshops and speaking events in 2017

6. Maintain my OPTIMUM happiness, health and life balance. This MUST be my #1 PRIORITY.



  1. Write every day: 365 days a year.
  2. List attainable goals that I CAN achieve for each day.
  3. Tick boxes [  ] on my diary page, a visual reminder of every SUCCESS.
  4. Congratulate myself on every success along the way.

Meanwhile, I’m setting all those positive Goals in Motion, aiming Sky High, ready for whatever the cosmic forces decide … Please Universe, be kind!

NEWS: I’ll be announcing exciting News in the next few weeks … Please stay tuned 🙂

Wishing you all a VERY happy, healthy and SUCCESSFUL 2017!

Thanks for your amazing friendship, support and encouragement in 2016.


HOW will you make 2017 YOUR year of success?

What are Your S.M.A.R.T Goals?

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below.

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8 comments to 2017 How to Make it Your Year

  • Jamie Gratten

    These are fantastic goals to have for a new year, I would only add that its important to also make time for some relaxation and timeout during a new year, must avoid burnout and keep physically and mentally strong to reach the finish line.

  • Hi Jamie,
    Thanks for dropping by to check how to achieve goals and dreams in 2017.
    Thanks for adding your reminders to keep health and relaxation in balance with your life … Karen 🙂

  • Thanks for the inspiration and practical advice Karen. I’m thinking about and planning for 2017 now as well and although I know my main goal it’s the little goals along the way that I have trouble figuring out. It’s all still somewhat of a puzzle for me despite learning so much in the last 3-4 years. Writing daily is probably where I need to start as I tend to write mainly when inspiration strikes- not always a regular occurrence.

  • Hi Artelle,
    Thanks for dropping by. I urge you to get into the daily routine of writing. Start off reflecting on your emotions … scribble down exactly how you’re feeling. This will unblock any emotions that are preventing you from writing. Then Write anything: a slogan, a blog, a letter, your diary. Write fast with your pen without editing or criticizing. I hope that helps. Happy writing … Karen 🙂

  • Kara McLeod

    These are empowering points which I will use! Your goals are spectacular.
    I am really very excited for the coming year and all it will entail for me. Thanks Karen

  • Thanks so much for checking out my proactive strategies. Wishing 2017 is a spectacular year for you. See you at the Book Marketing Masterclass on Jan 28.. cheers, Karen 🙂

  • Digital Future Press site looks good Karen! Well done with your goals, you continue to inspire me to do more.
    I’m also setting up my publisher website and pushing myself to publish that next novel. I’m also being a bit kinder to myself this year and not letting too many different aspects of life take too much from me.
    Love your post!

  • Hi Charmaine,
    Thrilled you dropped by. Thanks for checking out Digital Future Press site, its actually part of my main website.
    My goal is to not only publish my next novel in the Song Bird series, but to diversify the author events which I present.
    Congrats on your decision to concentrate on getting your next book published. I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other in 2017 .. Karen 🙂

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