Let’s celebrate Mental Health Week and live our happiest, healthiest life.
I, Karen Tyrrell award winning author, speaker on Resilience and Wellbeing celebrate Mental Health week, October 9-15.
I’m a survivor of mental illness and bullying. When I was a school teacher, parents of my student bullied and harassed me to breaking point. This bullying triggered PTSD and mental illness within me.
I wrote Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness and Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery, sharing pro-active coping skills and wellness plans.
I created 6 books to help kids live strong with humor. Books: Song Bird Superhero, STOP the Bully, Bailey Beats the Blah, Harry Helps Grandpa Remember, Jo-Kin Battles the It, Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra.
I won 3 Mental Health Achievement awards.
Let’s celebrate mental health
50% of us will become mentally ill sometime in our lives. Join the conversation. Prevention is better than cure.
We ALL need a pro-active wellness plan to help us overcome life’s challenges …
The Mental Health Commission interviewed me on my Recovery…
Celebrate Mental Health Week October 9-16
Join celebrations across world. Become a shining beacon for mental health. STOMP out stigma and raise awareness of mental health. Make a mental Health promise to yourself.
How to celebrate Mental Health Week
- Join the Walk for Awareness Brisbane 9th Oct. Step out of the shadows.
- Watch ABC TV during mental health week.
- Broadcast positive messages on social media about mental health awareness. Add these hashtags. #MentalHealthWeek #valuementalhealth
- Join Mental Health celebrations in your local city. Google.
- Watch funny movies with your family on mental health… Silver Linings Playbook, Mental and Inside Out.
Let’s Boost your Mental Health
- Value mental health. Create your own wellness plan to keep you happy, healthy and mentally balanced.
- Practice daily mental health coping skills. Start the day with a brisk walk, slow deep breathing, mindfulness and meditation.
- Add a new coping skill or positive healthy habit to your daily routine.
- Strengthen your support team. Ask them are they OK? Get them to ask you: RU OK?
- Chat with your local GP, Lifeline, Beyond Blue or SANE.
MEET me during Mental Health Week for a chat
8 Oct 10-12 Dymocks Indooroopilly
12 Oct 4 -5 pm Song Bird Pantomime Wetherill Park library Sydney FREE event
15 Oct 11.30-1.30 Dymocks Penrith
REMEMBER: There’s NO health … without Mental Health
How are you boosting your Mental Health?
How are you celebrating Mental Health week?
Please comment, ask a question: share, like, tweet or Google plus.
You are a walking talking and active advocate for mental health and wellness. You’ve been on a rocky journey, but whenever I see you now I see a strong confident and positive woman, a role model for mental health recovery and resilience. Keep up the good work and I will see you in Sydney
Hi Jamie,
I appreciate all your kind words of support. Thanks so much. Really looking forward to meeting you in Sydney… Karen 🙂