Edit your Book 10 Steps to PERFECTION

Edit your Book: 10 STEPS to PERFECTION

YIPEE! Kai-ay!

I, Karen Tyrrell, finished #9 critical steps in editing her action-packed children’s superhero novel, Song Bird 2.

This week, Song Bird 2 zoomed off to its crucial #10 step. Astute editing will transform it for publishing.

Why Edit your Book?

Editing polishes your writing until […]

10 Steps to Edit your Book for SUCCESS

YIPPEE! Kai-ay!

I’ve finished #9 critical steps in editing my latest book. It’s almost ready for the crucial #10 step. Astute editing will transform my story so it’s ready for publishing.

Why did I Edit my Book?

Editing polishes your writing until it sparkles and shines with the gloss of a professional. A polished piece […]

How to Present a Writing Workshop

I co-presented *Write & Publish a Children’s Novel Masterclass as Karen Tyrrell author-teacher to a packed house of emerging writers. Enthusiastic participants shared their writing dreams, planned their novels, fleshed out their characters and polished their emerging stories.

Writers buzzed with positive energy and self-belief they could really plan, write, edit, pitch, publish and market […]