Queensland Museum Sells Great Barrier Reef Rescue

Queensland Museum now stocks Great Barrier Reef Rescue by Karen Tyrrell in their museum shop!

I’m thrilled to announce this exciting news as a long-time Queensland Museum patron, children’s eco author, science co-ordinator at my primary school and as a science nerd … This is a DREAM come true for me!

I’m still pinching myself after connecting with the Queensland Museum … and two Great Barrier Reef organizations on the very same day!  (See later)

My hubby, Steve (co-author) and I snapped photos outside the museum shop… Under the giant ‘flying’ whales suspended outside the museum shop entrance.

Where do you find Great Barrier Reef Rescue at the Queensland Museum?

At the museum shop, near the museum entrance on the first floor. Find the back wall where toy animals and children’s books are displayed.

Search for toys and books on the Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef Rescue is on the shelf with an irresistible fluorescent cover.

What’s Great Barrier Reef Rescue about?

It’s an action-packed eco adventure focussed on Song Bird’s battle with environmental villain Destructo. Read how Rosie and her team of eco warriors try to save the Great Barrier Reef… before it’s too late?

Reviews Song Bird: Great Barrier Reef Rescue

‘Heart-racing adventure: Shows how VIP friendship is, working together and caring for the world. Kids: how to problem solve.’… Educate Empower

‘Song Bird Superhero stands for empowerment, strength and protection. Stand up for your friends. Stand up for our world. And stand up for yourself.’ …. Just Write for Kids

Who did we visit after Queensland Museum?

Steve and I met with two Great Barrier Reef organizations nearby in Brisbane.

Australian Marine Conservation Society

We collected a bevy of resource information from Australian Marine Conservation Society to hand out to children on our school visits. We were thrilled to receive magazines, posters and flyers on how to help save endangered marine creatures. Author Tim Winton is their Patron

Please donate to this worthy cause… PHONE 1800 066 299

 Coral Watch

In March, we connected with Coral Watch at the World Science Festival at the Queensland Museum tent. Yesterday, we travelled to the University of Queensland at St Lucia to meet with Coral Watch staff in person. Coral Watch’s mission is to educate children on climate change, caring for the reef and keep tabs on different coral species.

Diane, the coordinator was keen to learn about my Great Barrier Reef Rescue school presentations. I explained how I tailor-make each talk for each school’s needs. I shared how I present writing workshops; author talks and Readers Theatre on Great Barrier Reef Rescue; and hands-on science talks on sustainability.

Learn MORE about our School Visits

Where is Great Barrier Reef Rescue available?

Queensland Museum of Course!!

Online at songbirdsuperhero.com, Amazon, Book Depository, Booktopia and bookshops.

Schools and teachers download my FREE Activities HERE.

Please ask me any questions about my books and FREE resources.

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