New Book Cover Reveal Now

Cover-revealBlast off! I’m revealing my brand NEW book cover of my FUN space adventure for kids.

Bursting with STEM science, humor, resilience, action, team power, brain power … and FOOD!

Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra by Karen Tyrrell: an illustrated novel

 New Book Blurb

Reluctant hero, Jo-Kin never wanted to be a Super Space Kid. Not until Lord Terra kidnaps his Commander’s little sister and starts destroying the galaxy. Jo-Kin reunites the mighty Super Space Kids for an inter-planetary hunt for Lord Terra, finally meeting in a legendary winner takes all battle on Planet Deelish-us.

Can Jo-Kin defeat the all-powerful Lord Terra face to face?

Blast off with gadgets, robots and funky food in a hilarious outer space adventure that enlightens readers with the power of teamwork, problem solving, and resilience.

Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra,  Super Space Kids 2, sequel to Jo-kin Battles the It.

Jo-Kin Battles the It /Super Space Kids 1

Jo-Kin Battles the It: Super Space Kids 1

Ta-dah! The NEW book cover for Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra

New Book Cover Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra by Karen Tyrrell

Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra by Karen Tyrrell

Special Thanks to my Dream Team

Jo-kin vs Lord Terra is published by Digital Future Press, edited by Penny Springthorpe, illustrated by Trevor Salter, designed by Anthony Puttee of Book Cover Cafe.

Thanks to my Beta readers Steve Tyrrell, Alison Stegert and Jacqui Halpin and to my crit buddies from Write Links.

New Book Cover Feedback

Does it attract your attention? Does it create Mystery?

Does Jo-kin vs Lord Terra appeal to you? … and to your kids?

Does the book cover and blurb entice you to PEEK inside?

Will the cover STAND OUT on the book shelf?

LOVE to hear what you think …

I’m biting my finger nails here … and praying for positive Book Karma. Please let me know!!!

Coming to a galaxy near you… SOON

PLEASE spread the NEWS to everyone you know.

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26 comments to New Book Cover Reveal Now

  • Hugh tunny

    Nice scary cover Karen. The heroes look like they are under the pump this time. Looks like a whole planet bearing down. Cool green colours add nice malevolent overtures. Can’t wait to see it fly off the shelves.

  • Hi Hugh, That was quick! Thanks for taking a peek.
    I’m thrilled with your reaction and that you “get” it!
    Coming to a galaxy near you… SOON! … Karen 🙂

  • Raelene Purtill

    I like it. It is obviously a darker, deeper story. This cover says a lot about the adventure. Well done

  • Hi Raelene, Thanks for dropping by. There are darker mysterious elements. But the overall tone is a rollicking FUN and “Deelish-us” adventure …. Karen 🙂

  • Ani Peters

    Hi Karen, the cover is very eye-catching and one can see the mysterious element behind it. I love the eye peering out and it makes me want to know why. Well done hon. Good luck!!

  • Thanks Ani, I really appreciate your feedback. Years of writing, rewriting, editing and designing went into Jo-kin vs Lord Terra. I wanted a page turner that kids will have a good laugh at as well. Thanks for your kind support Karen xx

  • Jacqui Halpin

    Very eye-catching, Karen! Love the green. Also, love ‘Coming to a galaxy near you’ 🙂

  • Hey Jacqui, Thanks so much for checking out my new cover. I’ve been dying to show you. Thrilled you liked it. Thanks so much for being an awesome Beta reader and crit buddy. Hugs, Karen xx

  • Ali

    Wow, Karen! Super-duper double-awesome! Well done and congrats!

  • Thanks Ali for your awesome support as a Beta Reader, giving me feedback and suggestions all the way through. I’m thrilled you like the cover. I couldn’t wait to show you … Karen 🙂

  • David John Newman

    Brilliant colour choice! Red speaks thrill, adventure. Green for fun. Kids might have to wrestle this one off me.

  • Hi David,
    What a lovely surprise!
    Thank so much for your very positive words about my cover. i loved how you said “you’ll wrestle your kids for this book.” Fingers crossed you can come to my book launch … Cheers, Karen 🙂

  • Fred Sykes

    Just an awesome cover love. Very sinister like, good stuff

  • Hi Fred,
    Thanks for popping over. Sinister YES! But don’t forget the Humor …. and piles and piles of Deelish-Us food! … Cheers, Karen 🙂

  • You never cease to amaze me, Karen. “When I grow up I want to be just like you.”
    I love the cover design, story-line and wonderful l, well-thought-out teasers for sure!
    Continued blessings!!

  • Hi Cherrye,
    Thanks so much for taking a close look at my upcoming book… and for your very kind words.
    Thrilled you love the cover design, story-line and my “hooks”.
    I’m very blessed to have a team of creatives who work tirelessly on reading, critiquing, editing, designing and illustrating my books… cheers, Karen 🙂

  • Meryl

    Looks fantastic Karen… all the best with it.

  • Hi Meryl,
    Thanks for that. I knew you’d be interested. Thanks for supporting my first book “Jo-Kin Battles the It.” …. cheers, Karen

  • Thanks Charmaine,
    Thrilled you like it. We totally threw ourselves into designing this cover with Trevor and Book Cover Cafe … Karen 🙂

  • Hi Karen. It’s great to be able to see the two books near each other. It certainly is a striking cover. I want to open it up and see what that malevolent eye is all about, and why they are running away.

  • Josie montano

    Congrats!! Looks & sounds amazing.

  • Hi Josie,
    Thanks for popping over to take a peek. Thrilled with the “amazing” description … Cheers, Karen x

  • Hi Megan,
    Oooh love your words “striking cover” and that you want to find out about the malevolent eye and why they are running away.
    YIPEE! That’s exactly what I want! … cheers,Karen 🙂

  • Jocelyn

    An eye-catching cover,Karen. Best wishes for the success of this new book. I guess you’ll be working on number three soon.

  • Hi Jocelyn,
    Thanks for checking out my new book cover. Love your words “eye-catching” to describe my cover. I’m working on several novels atm. One of them you are critiquing over at Write Links. I wish your novels every success too … Cheers, Karen 🙂

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