Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch
With a humungous splash, I invite you to the launch of Song Bird: Great Barrier Reef Rescue on 5th May 2019. Superheroes and marine characters will dive-bomb into this aquatic event.
What is Great Barrier Reef Rescue about?

Karen Tyrrell author (me) created this eco adventure after following David Attenborough for years.
‘The Great Barrier Reef is in grave danger. It’s time to step up.’
—David Attenborough
I wrote Great Barrier Reef Rescue to educate and empower children to care for the reef and endangered marine creatures.
Brisbane City Libraries Sunday Conversation series officially presents Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch.
Brisbane Libraries host this special event in their premier function room AND promote my launch in their What’s on Booklet and on Brisbane City Council website.

Brisbane City Libraries promotes Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch with this blurb
”The Great Barrier Reef is in under attack! Karen Tyrrell award-winning author launches her children’s superhero adventure, Great Barrier Reef Rescue.
Karen, dressed as Song Bird Superhero and co-author Steve Tyrrell as Reef Man, teach children practical ways to care for the reef. Books will be available for purchase on the day, or bring your copy from home for Karen to sign.”

Who Supports Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch?
Australian Marine Conservation Society supports Great Barrier Reef Rescue, supplying educational materials for my Queensland school visits in 2019. Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority, Speakers Ink, teachers and schools support my eco adventure too.

Who’s Master of Ceremonies at Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch?
MEET the entertaining and exuberant Yvonne Mes, co-ordinator of Write Links, Brisbane children’s writers and illustrator’s group. Yvonne, children’s author and illustrator, will MC a fun, and thought-provoking interactive launch.

Take the Plunge at Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch
To celebrate, wear something aquatic.
Kids: Come as a mermaid, Aqua-man, a shark, dolphin, turtle … or a superhero.
Grown-ups: Wear a splash of blue. Maybe a scarf, a shell necklace or your boardies and thongs.
DATE: Sunday 5th May
TIME: Arrive 10.40 am to start at 11am
PLACE: Brisbane Square Library, End Room, top level, 266 George St, Brisbane City
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Bookings required.
Phone Brisbane Square Library on 07 3403 4166 to reserve your place.
If you can’t snorkel out to the launch, you can still …
PRE-ORDER a signed copy, with a certificate and FREE Great Barrier Reef bag HERE

Who’s making a splash at the book launch?
Co-author Steve Tyrrell, my family, friends, writing buddies and people who care about the reef. Uber talented, cover illustrator Trevor Salter is rumoured to make a splash down.
Dive-in to the aquatic celebrations, as my eco adventure creates waves in the world.
RSVP on the Facebook Event page HERE
WHO’s Diving-in to Great Barrier Reef Rescue Book Launch?
Please leave a comment below, Like, Share, tweet, Google +
Your heart, soul and love are in this book. Fantastic achievement and I hope it gains the success it deserves. Preserving the reef and protecting our ecology is critically important, your book carries this message proudly and clearly. A beautiful blend of fantasy adventure and environmental imperatives.
Thanks Steve, For being as passionate about Great Barrier Reef Rescue as I am. Thanks for working with me on this book. Cant wait to present our book talk to schools… Karen 🙂
Hi Karen,
This is another great book in the Song Bird series. I loved it. 🙂
I am very disappointed that I won’t be able to join you at the launch on 5 May as it’s a special weekend for my family. Perhaps I’ll catch up with you on another occasion.
Best wishes,
Hi Norah,
I’m disappointed you won’t be able to make my book launch on the 5th May. But I totally understand, Family comes first.
I hope I can catch up with you at another time, perhaps at one of my May events.
Thanks for your awesome Review on Goodreads.
Take care,
Karen x