From MADNESS to Published Author

Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) published my story ‘From MADNESS to Published Author’ in their SCOPE magazine.

President Susan Skowronski printed my exposé on my dual passions: mental health and WRITING.

Guest Writer: Karen Tyrrell: From MADNESS to Published Author

‘Once I was completely MAD, screaming out with jaw-clenching night terrors and black manic dreams. […]

Writing Buddies

Without Writing Buddies, I would NOT be where I am now. I believe they have nurtured my Writing Success so far. They’ve helped me grow as a Writer, encouraging me to work harder, to raise the Writing Bar. I thank each of them.

The best Writing Buddies are the “Picky Bitches” who analyse my story […]

Jump on a Gift Horse

I’m grabbing every opportunity to foster my writing career.

Joining Queensland Writers Centre four years ago,was the BEST decision I ever made. QWC mothered me, as a New-Born writer, nurturing me along the way.

This Writers Group has offered and […]