I’m grabbing every opportunity to foster my writing career.
Joining Queensland Writers Centre four years ago,was the BEST decision I ever made. QWC mothered me, as a New-Born writer, nurturing me along the way. http://www.qwc.asn.au/Home.aspx
This Writers Group has offered and delivered unbelievable Editorial Consultancies, Writing Courses, Workshops and Seminars.
Last year I participated in the Short Story Development Series tutored by Kate Eltham (CEO). I learnt how to critique my buddies’ writing, and in the process learnt how to improve my own. During these sessions I’ve formed New Networks and friendships, many becoming Life-Long friends.
I’m presently engaged in Kim Wilkins’ Year of the Edit group. We meet together face-to-face once a month and in between we keep in contact via a Google group. We critique each others work, supporting and encouraging each other with positive feedback and suggestions for Rewrites. We share our successes and challenges.
I joined Vision Writers, a dynamic Speculative Fiction support group which meets together at Brisbane’s State Library once a month to critique each others work. Members chat regularly on a yahoo group, offering advice and support. http://www.visionwriters.org/
ALL the above groups taught me how to CRITIQUE. Critiquing was the KEY to radically improving my writing.
The Society of Women Writers, Varuna Writers House, Australian Society of Authors and my local Crime Writers group have all contributed a special something to my writing skills, helping me grow as a writer.
Can we write in isolation? … Definitely Not!
Each day, I network with writer friends via the Net … Facebook, email, online groups, twitter and MySpace and when I can, I meet face-to face. This opportunity is a Gift Horse, every writer should embrace.
Thank you my Fellow Writers. Without you, I would be alone ─ isolated, without feedback and encouragement to improve.
To all those Writers out there …
… What was your Turning Point?
Love QWC, Karen. Are you part of another writing group in Brisbane besides Vision Writers, YOE, and the Short Story Devt Series? If so, which one? I think your advice here to others is invaluable.
My turning point (knowing I wanted to be a writer) was when I decided to do an MA in writing, editing, and publishing at the University of Queensland. But it was only after graduating at the end of last year that I became more involved with the QWC (and will continue to do so). I’m loving the process of writing my first novel, ‘Dirt’, and the Year of the Novel workshops with Kim Wilkins at the QWC. I also hope to do the Year of the Edit there next year, and become further involved in SEQ creative writing communities. Joanna :))
Karen you are so inspiring. I am going to jump on a gift horse. Thanks for the info and example you set. Currently, I have been writing in isolation. It’s time to open up to the horizon of opportunities out there. You have unlocked the door, it’s time to step through. No more sitting on the fence.
Talk about timely Karen.
I’ve been agonising all year: am I a writer, am I not a writer? Is it a hobby, is it more than a hobby? How do I contact other writers? What if I get slammed? So much angst for someone so ‘mature’?
Okay I’ll rejoin the QWC (was a member a few years ago when I started writing). And Hopefully I’ll find a writers group which works for me.
Oh yes. Critique! Friends are very supportive but supportive critique, though risky, I’m sure would pay dividends. I need to give up full time work!
Hi Karen, my turning point was joining QWC also about 4 years ago. Then participating in Year of the Novel with Veny Armanno and now Year of the Edit with Kim Wilkins. QWC has been unbelievable in providing these opportunities for me and Veny & Kim have been inspiring. My fellow writer friends keep me going with their support & encouragement. That includes you, Karen. I couldn’t do it alone.
Helen-Louise Usher
Hi Joanna, Thanx for your comments. I also belong to Logan Crime Writers Group ( But really we write in all Genres). We meet once a month at the Hyperdome Library and Critique each others work.
Hi Steve, Thanx for dropping by. I’m glad I’ve encouraged you to rejoin QWC and Good Luck with your search for a suitable writing Group. You could ask QWC or your local library.