MEET Helen Goltz editor extraordinaire for bMag newspaper, journalist, radio and TV programmer, publisher and author of crime, paranormal and historical fiction: Mastermind and Graveyard of the Atlantic.
Helen, a mentor of mine, interviewed me on passion, power and living strong plus my writing goals for 2015.
Helen and I first encountered each other in the elevator of the Arts Queensland building after submitting our grant applications in 2010.
Mine was to fund writer’s festival, Logan Writers Week
I divulged my upcoming memoir Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness about my survival of parent-teacher bullying and mental illness.
Helen requested to read Me and Her as a boutique crime publisher. She suggested I expand dramatic flashbacks into fully fleshed out chapters detailing my ‘decline and disintegration’ of a normal teacher ME to insane, crazy HER … and she offered publishing advice.
In 2012, Helen contacted me again about my upcoming book Me and Her. This time Helen was now a radio programmer for 4BC radio. She requested a LIVE radio interview about my teacher experience with violence in schools. HERE
Two weeks ago, Helen requested an interview on my writing and reading goals for 2015. I grabbed this chance to share my writing passion and tips for living strong!
Here’s a snippet of Helen’s interview with me …
‘Author and mental health advocate, Karen Tyrrell is a survivor and in 2015, she aims to empower and challenge readers to live strong!
My writing goal is to uplift and empower the reader with humor, empathy and intrigue; to create compelling stories that will empower and challenge readers for living strong.’
Helen lists my award winning books Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness, and Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery for adults and Bailey Beats the Blah and STOP the Bully for children.
To read the FULL interview, please go to Helen’s website.
PLEASE don’t forget to come back here to leave a comment or a like 🙂
What did you think of Helen’s interview with me about my books?
And our chance meeting in 2010?
HOW do you live strong and with passion?
Helen’s certainly a liver of life, so many elements of Mindfulness are apparent. I can see so many positive outcomes for you knowing and listening to Helen . Power to you!
Thanks Steve, Helen certainly is! I’m blessed to have met her and grateful how she helped me shape Me and Her: A Memoir of Madness … Cheers, Karen 🙂
Very inspiring, Karen! I believe in the power of mentoring. It’s a mutually beneficial activity.
Hi Ali, Thanks for coming over here to find out how Helen and I first met … and how she supported and mentored my Publishing journey … Karen 🙂
You are way too generous Karen. My role was very minimal and you were well on your way to telling your inspirational story. Thanks for your generosity and it was a fortuitous meeting for both of us. Best wishes, Helen
Hi Helen,
Thanks for checking out my introduction to you and how we met.
I will be forever grateful to you for suggestion how to improve ME & HER … and then arranging for my very first radio interview about my book … Karen 🙂