Tips for teaching Creative Writing in Schools


Creative Writing in schools

Today I taught Creative Writing to four High School classes. It was nerve wracking, exciting and extremely rewarding.  Mabel Park SHS contacted me, requesting I teach narrative writing to four year nine classes.

I presented ‘Build the Spaceship‘ creative writing lesson, using visualization techniques to create a movie-like story with a setting and a viewpoint character. The kids loved it especially when I called ACTION and the story came to life!!!

I couldn’t believe the enthusiasm shown by the students and the positive feedback I received from the teachers.


Build a Spaceship workshop

I write humorous techno sci-fi fantasy novels for kids and hope to publish this series soon.

Am I qualified to teach Creative Writing?

My name is Karen Tyrrell. I’m an experienced ‘Gifted & Talented’ teacher and published children’s author; currently I’m a writing tutor for Brisbane City Libraries. I also present writing workshops in schools, libraries and at festivals.

How did I do it? … I share all my tips in a step-by-step guide below…

Tips for teaching Creative Writing in Schools

Ensure your website includes information of your author visits so schools know you present creative writing to schools. HERE

  1.  Make sure you have a Blue Card, an ABN number and you know how to write a professional invoice for the school.
  2. Talk to the school organizer well in advance so you present a workshop that meets their students’ needs. Ask them to be specific.
  3. Work out your lesson plan, your verbal script and practice… practice… practice.
  4. Ask your contact person if the school is a “Visible School”. If so, research how to write Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Write these on the white board when you arrive in the classroom.
  5. Prepare and print out all the handouts in advance. Plan and prepare visual prompts include posters on laminated cards. Bring blu-tack and anything else you might need.
  6. Arrive early to park, to sign on, and set up your room well before students arrive.
  7. To ensure there are minimal behavior problems, make sure a teacher is present. Keep the lesson FUN, moving along at a good pace and very positive. Don’t respond to calling out or rude behavior.
  8. Email the school suggested follow up activities for the children to complete afterwards.  Send the school your book information as well as info on other workshops and talks you present.
  9. Show the school Library / Resource Centre your books and publications. They may order your books as well.
Karen Tyrrell Creative Writing presenter

Karen Tyrrell Creative Writing presenter

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What was the BEST thing about presenting  Creative Writing?

YAY! A testimonial from Mabel Park SHS has arrived!!

‘Thanks so much for bringing your talents to Mabel Park SHS for our Year 9s. I admit I was a little anxious embarking on creative writing activities for some of the low-achievers, but delighted when I saw the result.

Your motivating, inclusive style and high-yield activities really had the students at all abilities working hard, creating stories and experimenting with their imagination. Congratulations. I’m sure the students can now approach creative and imaginative written tasks with a sense of confidence and achievement.”


I LOVED watching how engrossed the children were with their stories and how much they wanted to keep writing when the lesson was over.

Have you ever considered teaching Creative writing to schools and libraries?

Were the workshops tips helpful to you?

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8 comments to Tips for teaching Creative Writing in Schools

  • Steve

    I saw how much effort and time you put into this project, and I just wish I could have been able to attend something like this when I was a child. I bet the students had the best time and that some are inspired to take up literature studies

  • Thanks Steve, for being my #1 supporter and motivator.
    I loved watching how much effort the kids put into their stories today. And how they didn’t want to stop writing when their lesson was over … Karen

  • GREAT tips Karen. Thanks for sharing. I agree with Steve–these visits are gold.

  • Elisabeth Anthony

    As a child I would have loved to attend a workshop like yours.
    I have presented workshops in the classroom years ago. It’s really important to be super organised & practice.
    Wonderful work Karen, you are an inspiration.

  • Thanks Ali, for checking out my tips and adding them to your board at Pintrest.
    Congrats on your recent Author Visit and your upcoming creative writing workshop in July… Karen 🙂

  • Hi Elisabeth,
    Really appreciate you coming over to check out my tips.
    YES I agree, being super organized and practicing is so VIP … Hope to see you at my Write & Publish a Memoir workshop on April 7th … Karen 🙂

  • Chris Norrie

    Hi Karen
    Thanks so much for bringing your talents to Mabel Park SHS for our Year 9s. I admit I was a little anxious embarking on creative writing activities for some of the low-achievers, but delighted when I saw the result. Your motivating, inclusive style and high-yield activities really had the students at all abilities working hard, creating stories and experimenting with their imagination. Congratulations. I’m sure the students can now approach creative and imaginative written tasks with a sense of confidence and achievement.

  • Hi Chris,
    Thanks so much for leaving a testimonial. I really enjoyed teaching creative writing to your students, watching them use their imaginations and become engrossed in their writing. Thanks for requesting me to coming to your school and supporting me so generously … Karen 🙂

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