NEW Reviews of The Battle of Bug World (Song Bird 2) written by Karen Tyrrell have flooded in. I’m absolutely thrilled with reader’s feedback on my children’s eco fantasy.
I’m especially chuffed about their reactions to my positive messages on sustainability, caring for the environment, crushing stereotypes and the power of friendship.
Thanks to Children’s Book Council of Australia, Buzz Words magazine, Vanessa from Educate. Empower ezine and all my readers for reviewing The Battle of Bug World (Song Bird 2)
NEW Reviews The Battle of Bug World – from CBCA Reading Time
“I really like the premise of this book. Rosie, the superhero Song Bird, has lost her voice which is the source of her power. Cataclysmic events, like tornadoes and giant sinkholes, are threatening the neighbourhood. All the bees have mysteriously disappeared, and a massive food shortage could be the result. And worst of all, Rosie’s sister, Raven, has disappeared. What’s a silenced Song Bird to do?”
“The Battle of Bug World certainly packs in the adventure. Things happen non-stop in Rosie’s world.
“My favourite things in The Battle of Bug World, though, is Amy’s supersonic wheelchair, which she has kitted out with all sorts of cool features and gadgets. From the dynamic-balance setting, to the force-field which zaps any bugs that get too close, Amy’s wheelchair is awesome.”
“Fast-paced adventure that takes ecological issues and turns them into an engaging story that should appeal to young eco-warriors aged 8 to 12.”
NEW Review of Steve Tyrrell’s guest Chapter – CBCA Reading Time
‘Very vivid chapter … describing Rosie experiencing life as a Rosella. I loved the description and detail, and the strong sense of bird-ness about it.”
NEW Reviews of The Battle of Bug World – Buzz Words
“Weird things were happening around town. Not only had the bees disappeared, but there were storms like never before, a black tornado over the next-door neighbour’s house, a giant sink hole in the main street and, to top it off, Rosie’s sister Raven had gone missing!
Rosie’s teacher and mentor, Miss Darling (aka Wonder Girl), convinces Rosie to go to the Bug World theme park to look for her sister – ‘Be Brave. Be Song Bird.’ Can they stop the weird climate changes?
Reviews Educate. Empower by Vanessa Jean, teacher & environmentalist
“Superstorms destroying back gardens, disappearing bees, record temperatures causing heat waves across the country and a strange looking tornado forming above the house next door. Who can save the earth from doom and destruction?
Song Bird, The Battle of Bug World really brings up the issues … many of us can be superheroes and start to make small differences now, before the bees disappear, the weather becomes erratic and natural life is just inside a bubble. Inspire your little eco warrior today! ”
NEW Reviews The Battle of Bug World – on Amazon
Thanks to New reviews which popped up on Amazon. Check out 12 *STAR reviews. HERE
Song Bird Superhero at Book Week Parade
During Book Week, I presented The Battle of Bug World story, pantomime and eco talk to schools and at Imagin Expo. FAN girls and boys dressed up as Song Bird Superhero for their Book Week parade. Please send me photos of you and Song Bird found out in the wild.
Download the first 10 pages to read HERE
Order Song Bird series with FREE postage HERE
Download Teacher notes & children’s activities HERE
Song Bird Book 3 is due for release in 2018.
What do you think of Song Bird 2 ? … I’d LOVE to hear your review
Please comment below and Like, Tweet, Google +
Some pretty powerful reviews there Karen. I agree and well deserved, as this book finds new and interesting issues to explore. Environment meets super hero meets a disabled girl who may be the most powerful of them all. Very clever to weave multiple interesting current themes within a classic superhero adventure story.
Now isn’t that kind of CBCA to mention my chapter in Karen’s book. It did make me feel great , it was a pleasure to contribute to Karen’s book. I find it even more fun when I get the chance to read it out to schoolkids when I’m made-up as super-bee at Karen’s school outings!. I’m a bit of a ham and I love the kids reactions. buzz buzz !
Steve, I’m thrilled that you write chapter 6 in Song Bird 2 and Chapter 2 in Song Bird 1.
I hope your family and friends are as proud of you as I am … Karen x
Aww Thanks Jimboomba, for supporting my Song Bird Series and “getting” what I’m trying to achieve… Karen 🙂
Wonderful to see your book scoring the great reviews and promotions it deserves, Karen. You contribute a lot to empowering children (and adults). I wish you enormous success!
Well done Karen – All wonderful reviews.
Hi Vanessa,
Thanks for checking out my NEW reviews and reviewing my book, The Battle of Bug World – Song Bird 2.
MORE environmental books are on the way.
Please stay tuned … Cheers, Karen 🙂
Hi Norah,
Thanks so much for your very warm and positive support for my book, The Battle of Bug World. Thanks for your awesome review and interview.
PS I’m working on a picture book and Song Bird 3 … Cheers, Karen x
[…] I’m thrilled with the incredible Reviews for the Song Bird series by Karen Tyrrell author. So far I received *5 STAR Reviews from Reading Time, Buzz Words, Disney Magazine, Kirkus Reviews, readilearn, Just Write for Kids, Educate Empower, Goodreads and Amazon. HERE […]