How to write a *WINNING* Book Proposal

fb-profile-pageHow can I be MORE pro-active in getting my books published?

What’s the best way to pitch my book to a Publisher? …  The answer is … a *WINNING* book proposal.

More and more publishers are requesting Book Proposals as part of their submission package. A well researched kick-ass book proposal can excite and ignite a publisher.

Where do I find publisher’s submission guidelines?
Check direct on the publisher’s website … Research through the writer’s bible, Australian Writers Marketplace 2011/2012 … Join AWM online for up-to-date information.

How do I research my Book Proposal?

Ask yourself …What’s your story really about? What’s your elevator pitch? How and why are you qualified to write this book? How’s your book unique? What’s your niche market?  How does your book compare to competing titles? How’s your book different and better? Why should a publisher publish your book?  How does your book benefit anyone? What’s special about the location of the book and where the author lives? How’s your book a perfect fit for this publisher?

What are the components of a Kick-Ass book proposal?

•    create a killer cover letter with book jacket blurbs leaving the editor begging for more.
•    hook the publisher with an elevator pitch, premise and a powerful synopsis
•    explain why you are qualified to write this book …even if you are a first-time author.
•    develop a marketing plan with specific target readership and marketing opportunities

Further Reading …  I recommend Rhonda Whitton’s “A Decent Proposal”

Check out publisher, Sally Collings’ article THE PROPOSAL on page 17 of the QWC’s WQ magazine. Sally is running a PROPOSAL WRITING workshop at the State Library, Brisbane on the 19th June which is now SOLD OUT.

I’m proud to announce … #5 of my books are completed or near-completed ...

ME AND HER :a Memoir of Madness (my triumph over Bipolar) … SAYONARA crime faction  … JOSH AND THE IT JOSH VS LORD TERRA Book 1 & 2 of the Super Space Kids series and now ALANA TO THE RESCUE Book 1 of THE  RESCUE KIDS picture book series.

SQUEEEE! This week I developed a kick-ass book proposal to  promote ALANA TO THE RESCUE and posted it off to the publishing world … I’m tingling all over with anticipation that this proposal might tip the balance and cause a *WINNING* domino effect.

Today I sent out two more email queries and posted off another Book  Proposal. I’m fixated with that YES PLEASE to a query letter I received a few days ago and I can’t stop smiling to myself.

* What success have you had with pitching your book to a publisher?

* How will you develop your book proposal  for the next book?

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7 comments to How to write a *WINNING* Book Proposal

  • Denise

    Hi Karen, I congratulate you for your determination and your never -give-up attitude. Thanks for researching book proposals. I’m sure many writers will use these steps as a resource.

  • Fantastic post, Karen. And exactly what I needed as I am toying with a book proposal idea and I need lots of help in how to get the ball rolling 🙂 Thank you!

  • Thanks Susannah, Glad my post was what you needed. So many writers are writing proposals now or thinking about them for the future. The best start is aking yourself those really important questions about your book. Good luck :))

  • Thanks Denise, you do need to be extra determined to get that first book published. And be industry savvy about the publishing process :))

  • This is fantastic post, Karen. It’s a great reminder to put as much work into the proposal, as in the book. Thank you for your inspiring and positive post 🙂

  • Thanks Renee, This time I spent weeks researching markets and comparative books. I had to do some reflecting on the essence of my book and what was special about it. When we’re writing we’re too absorbed to even think about these questions. Good luck with all your little picture books :))

  • Hi Karen, thanks for mentioning my article and QWC workshop! Hope to be running more next year – and people can always book for one-on-one time with me thru QWC 🙂

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