SQUEE ! I’m giving away #5 FREE signed copies of ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness, over at Goodreads, the world’s largest book review network, connecting readers and authors.
WOOHOO! I’ve just joined the Goodreads Author program and can’t wait to spread my latest Goodreads reviews with you! …
~ A very touching memoir > This reads like a fast-paced thriller > Twists and turns > If you have Bipolar or know someone who does, this is a Must-Read
How can you benefit from the Goodreads Author Program?
1. Set up your own official Author page. Friends can choose to become FANS.
2. Create an individual book page for each book.
3. Announce upcoming events … physical & virtual
4. Promote your book with a Giveaway competition
5. Invite your readers to answer Quizzes and start a Q &A group about your book
Are you joining the Goodreads Author program?
How do you Increase your Chances of winning a FREE copy of ME & HER? 
1. Friend me on Goodreads … Click here
2. List ME & HER on your to-read list
3. Create a shelf for ME & HER > psychology, memoir, health, self-help > your choice
What will you WIN?
A FREE signed copy of ME & HER, together with a FREE double-sided bookmark and postcard. I’ll post them directly to YOU anywhere in Australia.
How do you enter the ME & HER Giveaway?
Please go to Goodreads and press Enter to win … to register for the Giveaway.… CLICK HERE
The competition starts today and ends on the 5thJune.
Goodreads will then select the winning names. I’ll post my signed copies directly to the winners.
It’s as easy as that!
Good luck in the competition. Please let me know if you entered.
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