Breaking the Barriers of Mental Illness

Journalist at Her Canberra magazine, Belladonna Took reviewed my memoir ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery. … Belladonna revealed my tell-all teacher story of how parents at my school terrorized me until I screamed out with MAD night terrors.

“Karen Tyrrell escaped and ran to a lonely motel where police found her, incarcerating her […]

Announcing #20 Winners – ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness Giveaway

WOOHOO! Thanks everyone for your awesome support on my ME & HER blog tour, with me guest blogging on #10 sites in #7 days … A special thanks to those you followed, commented or asked probing questions OR just “watched”.

DRUM ROLL … The #20 winners of a Kindle e-copy of ME & HER: A […]