I’m praying for a 3-Book publishing deal.
Two weeks ago, an International Publisher requested Josh and the It and she is now considering it for publication.
I hope to entice her with all three books in the Space Kids book series.
I’ve plotted, planned and completed the first draft of Book 2,
And now I’m determined to flesh out this story, and bring it to life.
Second draft is well under way.
And I’ve sketched out a plan for Book 3. Part of a master plan for a 3 book series.
Why a Book Series?
• From its first inception, I wrote Josh and the It to be part of a Sci-Fi series.
• I bound together the series with a strong hook and a compelling cause the Space Kids would champion.
• Each book must stand alone with its own strong beginning, well developed middle and a satisfying end.
• Each book will have a common set of characters and settings.
• Children like reading fast paced action adventure stories, part of a series.
• Publishers like to know their ‘latest new author’ is more than a one book wonder.
How did I write Book 2?
• I worked out an intriguing new plot line and story arc that would complement the plot for Josh and the It.
• Decided which characters I’d focus on, which ones I’d resurrect and which ones I’d introduce.
• Invented new sci-fi gizmos that would appeal to kids.
• Kept the action fast-paced like the original Book 1.
• Add kids-style zany humour throughout the story.
I’m sending out ~Positive Book Karma~ to the Universe that the publisher will love Josh and the It and will beg for more. Requesting more Space Kids books to read.
Each day I’m exercising my publishing dream …
I affirm it, I visualize it, I set goals toward it, and most importantly …
I research it.
I live and breathe that dream. I believe anything is possible.
That a hard working writer with a vision, can one day be Published.
All I want is … My First BIG break to launch me into the Publishing Industry!
Almighty Universe, I’m sending out ~ Positive Book Karma~ Please hear my plea.
Good luck, Karen! It’s a tricky time in the publishing industry, but they are still buying 🙂
Thanks so much PD. I really hope that’s true. The longer they take to decide the better chance for me. Cheers, Karen:))
Sounds very interesting Karen, best of luck! You could always write a prequel!
Karen, We on Vulcan also like to do things in threes. A trilogy about space kids and their scientific ventures in the universe does sound intriguing and innovative. We await your first publication with quiet anticipation. Live long and prosper.
Karen just focus on the writing side of thing and not publishing. You can only control what you do.
Thanks Michael for saying that. Prequel … ooh I love that sound of that. That will get the cogs spinning in my head. Karen :))
Spock ! This childrens sci fi series is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do….spank it?” . All the best Karen, — McCoy
Yes Louise, you are totally right. I’ll continue to inject as many energy as I can into writing and perfecting my Kids Stories. Then its up to the publishers and the readers to be the judges :))
Thanks Spock, for your ingenius post. I’m still laughing … Hope “Josh and the It” lives long and prospers :))
Thanks McVoy, very Enterprising! Thanks for the Star Trek quote. But “Josh and the it” refuses to be spanked. Never! … Karen :))
Positive book karma coming your way ~ Arms open ready to receive! You so deserve this after all your hard work. Best wishes to you, Karen! 🙂
Good luck, Karen! Keep up that positive thinking!
Thanks so much Carol, I love what you said …”Arms out to receive”. Visualizing that already. Cheers, Karen :))
Thanks Becky, I’m being as positive as I can. Each day I send out a little mantra out to the Universe. Cheers, Karen :))
Best of luck Karen – sending positive ‘vibes’ your way! Submitting a book series has got to help your chances. 🙂
Thank so much Debbie. Writing a book series will definitely help my chances. So far the Publisher has Book 1 /”Josh and the It” but the words “Book Series” is mentioned throughout the cover letter and book proposal… cheers, Karen :))
The first big break – that’s all we are looking for..
It’s very tiring.. but your energy should see you through..if you can keep it up. The disappointments are thick and fast.. just keep up with the writing..and write what you want to write too..not what you think will sell…
Hi Anthony, Yes that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I love writing Sci-Fi for kids. That’s what I enjoy and I hope that passion shines through in my writing. Cheers, Karen :))
Fantastic plan, Karen. You’re very positive and organised. Joanna : ))
Thanks Joanna, I really appreciate you dropping by. I know how busy you are. Glad you liked my plan. Its always worth a try. Karen :))