Giving Thanks for 2015

thankyouI’m celebrating 2015, giving thanks to the universe and to everyone who helped me to achieve my writing dreams.

Without you and your kind support, I could not have achieved what I did.

In 2015, I expanded my goals, incorporating humor into my resilience messages to teach kids and families to live strong with resilience, coping skills and bully prevention.

Giving Thanks for 2015

In June, I published picture book, Harry Helps Grandpa Remember after winning a RADF grant through Arts Queensland and Logan City Council. Harry delivers a message of hope to those families experiencing dementia.

Harry Helps Grandpa Remember pantomime at Regis nursing home

Harry Helps Grandpa Remember pantomime at Regis nursing home

Kelly Hart, Anthony Puttee (Book Cover Cafe), Aaron Pocock (illustrator) and Karen Tyrrell

Grant acceptance with Kelly Hart, Anthony Puttee (Book Cover Cafe), Aaron Pocock (illustrator) and moi

In October I launched my junior novel Jo-Kin Battles the It, my hilarious space adventure that kick-starts discussion on perseverance and teamwork.

 Captain Astra & THOR at Dymocks Carindale

Captain Astra & THOR at Dymocks Carindale

In November, I became a ‘Books in Homes’ literacy mentor for Loganlea High school. I love my new role encouraging kids to read and write.

 Loganlea High school Prize winners for reading

Loganlea High school Prize winners for reading

Throughout the year, I book signed at over 20 shops including Dymocks, Angus & Robertson, Mary Ryans, around Brisbane and Sydney. Thanks to all the shops who sell my books. HERE

Susan Hilli and grandchildren at Dymocks Penrith

Susan Hilli and grandchildren at Dymocks Penrith

I presented over 20 writing workshops, author talks, story-tellings or pantomimes in schools, libraries, nursing homes and festivals.

Write & Publish a Children's novel  Masterclass presented by Charmaine Clancy & myself

Friends at Write & Publish a Children’s Novel Masterclass

 Pantomime players from Write Links

Pantomime players from Write Links

Author talk at Fairvale Public school Sydney

Author talk at Fairvale Public school Sydney

 Awarded Success Story badge at CYA Children's Conference

Awarded Success Story badge at CYA Children’s Conference

What was my Greatest Achievement in 2015?

I won a Mental Health achievement award for sharing my Peer Experience with six resilience books and my messages to the community. ‘Let’s raise awareness and understanding of mental health, to increase well-being and the promise of a happier, more productive life.’ Thanks Open Minds for this brilliant award.

Thanks for the Jude Bugeja Award

Thanks for the Jude Bugeja Award

Special thanks to those who made 2015 AWESOME

HUGE thanks to Steve, my darling husband for offering invaluable advice and support … And he dressed up as Grandpa and Thor, making our book events FUN.

 Steve as THOR at Dymocks Indooroopilly

Steve as THOR at Dymocks Indooroopilly

Giving thanks to: Anthony Puttee of Book Cover Café , editor Penny Springthorpe, illustrators: Trevor Salter and Aaron Pocock, Ay Jay and Catherine from Angus & Robertson, Chelsi from Logan Art Gallery, Wendy Millgate from South City Bulletin, writer friends from Write Links: Yvonne, Alison, Jacqui, Charmaine, Jillanne, Rebecca, Jenny, Jocelyn, Rachelle, June, Chris and Tammy … Blog Tour Hosts, and my wonderful Facebook friends Montana, Sue, Ani and more…

HUGS to all my friends, readers, listeners and supporters. Thanks so much  🙂

thank_youHOW was the year 2015 for you?

What do you give thanks for?

What are you grateful for?

Please Comment, Share, like tweet and google plus 🙂

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3 comments to Giving Thanks for 2015

  • Michael ruling

    Wow what a proactive busy year and you are still going. You talk of the importance of mental wellness but you actually live it and do it. Keep sharing your discoveries on your journey, keep writing those endearing books for kids, and keep well for 2016. Have a relaxing break over Christmas , look forward to reading Karen’s amazing adventures in 2016

  • Thanks Michael,
    Very kind of you to say those lovely words.
    I’m looking forward to my break, to energize me and to start 2016 afresh. Best wishes to you … Karen 🙂

  • […] Giving thanks for 2015, sharing photos, highlights and achievements from Karen Tyrrell author's point of you. Giving thanks to everyone.  […]

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