How can we Nurture Resilience in our Kids

WOW! South City Bulletin magazine featured my children’s resilience picture book, Bailey Beats the Blah three times in their November issue!

Once as ¼ page ad for Bailey Beats the Blah launch at Logan North Library. Twice as an announcement in Community Activities. Three times with publishing my Child mental health article … ‘How can we Nurture Resilience in our Kids?’

WARM fuzzy hugs to Wendy Johnson editor for her incredible support for mental health

Here’s a snapshot from my article …  

‘Never before have kids experienced so much stress, anxiety and depression! In our ever-changing over-scheduled world, children are feeling over-whelmed, suffering from stomach aches, headaches and behaviour problems.

Alarming statistics of children needing help …

Doctors are prescribing depression and anxiety medication at a disturbing rate. More and more children are struggling to cope with life, displaying out-of-control behaviour and seeking counseling services and psychologists.

My personal story:   

Parents of one of my school students repeatedly harassed me until I could take no more. I developed post-traumatic stress disorder but luckily I recovered. After I was released from hospital, I returned to teaching determined to empower my class with resilience skills.

I’m now a passionate mental health author-teacher for kids and grown-ups delivering pro-active coping skills. How can we make our children MORE resilient to withstand the pressures of modern life?

Top #4 Ways to Nurture Resilience in our Kids

1.    Read uplifting books about mental health to your kids, spring-boarding discussions on anxiety = worry and depression = sad days. Children need inspiring stories to nurture positive self-talk and learn coping strategies to deal with life’s ever-increasing problems.

READ Bailey Beats the Blah … 5 STAR reviews from teachers and counselors HERE

2.    Be a positive role model. Lead by example. Show them how to bounce back. Teach positive social skills, problem solving and resilience skills.

3.    Catch your kids being successful. Constructive feedback validates and reinforces their positive behaviour, building self-esteem.

4.    Help your child express what’s on their mind to open up communication channels. Encourage them to write down what’s worrying them in their diaries or journals. Urge younger children to associate each emotion with specific facial expressions, body language and an emoticon.

READ the Full Story here

I urge you as a parent or as a teacher to support the mental health and positive well-being of your children.

What can you do to help your child be happier today?

How can you make your child MORE resilient?

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