
Arrivederci Australia … Buongiorno Italia.

I’m flying to Roma in a few days time, exploring this ancient capital for three days then traveling through Italia to Firenze, Venezia, Milano and Genova via EuRail.

Then we’re sailing on a 11-day cruise of the Mediterranean on the MSC Splendida visiting the ports of Olympia, Piraeus (Athens), Alexandria (Cairo), Naples, and the islands of Rhodes, Crete,  Malta and Sicily … Bellisimo.

This holiday is a reward from my hubby’s company for his dedicated work over 2009 … whilst I was on leave-without-pay to write full-time.

Will I be Writing on the plane, on the boat, on the train?  You betcha! … You can’t stop me.

LATEST NEWS … This week I’ve finished Rewriting Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness.

It’s much faster paced now, the momentum gripping your attention to the very last page.

On 1st January, 2010 I’ll be sending off my printed manuscript to a  Publishing Competition.  This could be it ! Fingers crossed. xx

When I return in 3 weeks, I’ll be delivering one heck of a BLOG
‘Why I wrote Me and Her: a Memoir of Madness?’

Until then … Arrivederci.

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6 comments to Arrivederci

  • Paula Beavan

    Have a wonderful time! And all the best with your ms! I know that somewhere you will have it published and I will buy a copy! Same with Sayonara :-))
    Love Paula

  • Thanx Paula, I feel and hope that 2010 will be a Lucky Year for me. (And hopefully for you, too.)… I ‘ll keep a signed copy (copies) for you …Karen :))

  • How lucky are you, Karen? ‘Tis my dream destination also. Have a marvelous time and take lots of happy snaps. You really deserve this break. I have no doubts, on your return more good luck will follow :))

  • Thanx Carol, I DO feel lucky! I want to taste all the exotic food and Vino and explore places I’ve only read about + seen on Lonely Planet … And I will be writing. Karen :)) PS I LOVE your “Prediction” about Good Luck with my writing. Thanx.xx

  • Angela Slatter

    Have a lovely trip, KT! 🙂

  • Thanx Angela I will … Thanx for your support in 2009 … Hoping 2010 is a BIG one for both of us … Karen :))

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