2 Books 2 Publishers

Blast Off!
‘Josh and the It’, my Kids Sci-Fi Adventure book was launched … and landed safely into the Publishers hands.

A Children’s Publisher assessed ‘Josh and the It’ at the CYA Conference in September and she loved it. The Idea. The Pitch. The Plot.
She asked me to resubmit it to her after a few changes. But not to rush.
I’ve spent the last 9 weeks tweaking it, following her expertise and ideas.
She suggested that I strengthen the main character’s voice and check all the kid’s dialogue and reactions are realistic for that age group (7-10 years).
Yep, I followed her directions to a T.

Did I mention Food!
Kids love food …so I added a scrumpi-delicious breakfast fiesta.

After I finished tweaking, editing and ‘resting’ it, I took one final look before sending it off to one of my writing buddies, children’s and YA writer Robin Adolphs for feedback. http://robindadolphs.wordpress.com/
It’s so important to have writing buddies, who support each other.

I also had a supporting cast of advisers from Vision Writers and my local Writing Club who gave me valuable feedback in the early stages of this story. A BIG THANX TO YOU ALL.

Finally, this week I resubmitted ‘Josh and the It’ to the same Publisher for her consideration. Hope she LOVES it more than last time.

I’m so excited to have two different books requested by two different publishers.

Two Books. Two Chances.
Fingers crossed. XX  XX

This post has been updated and edited.

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14 comments to 2 Books 2 Publishers

  • Go Karen!! Good luck!

  • Thanks Elaine, I really enjoyed writing this one. Not so much angst. It just flowed. Planning the next book in the series. Cheers, Karen:))

  • Good luck, Karen! Two books. Fantastic. And you’ve still got Sayonara coming along. You are doing so well. Are you going back to primary teaching next year if the publishers take up your books or will you write full time? Joanna :))

  • Hi Joanna, I have mixed feelings about returning to Teaching … But can definitely see myself visiting schools and reading my books to the Kids …Cheers, Karen :))

  • Hi Karen
    A big thank you for mentioning me in your blog. I have loved reading your mss and will continue to love reading them as long as you want me to. And thanks for linking my Blog. Now I’ll really have to take a leaf out of your book (pun definitely intended) and update my Website and make it more interesting.
    Latest news . . . I’ve almost finished ‘critting’ your rewrite.

  • Congrats, Karen! Everything is crossed for you 🙂

  • Hi Rob, Thanx for being my Writing Buddy and friend for over the last year and a half. I’ve appreciated your honest feedback and suggestions, often telling me what I don’t always want to hear :)) Looking forward to reading and ‘critting’ your Junior Fantasy ms. Cheers, Karen :))

  • Thanx Carol, I wish you the BEST for your writing too. Cheers, Karen :))

  • Helen-Louise Usher

    Congrats, Karen. That’s lovely news.
    I have my fingers crossed for you.
    Your writing energy and passion is contagious.:)

  • Hi Helen-Louise, Lovely to see you Here. Thanx for your finger-crossing. I’m so glad I’m writing full-time now. Hope to read your latest Rewrite very soon. Cheers, Karen :))

  • Fingers crossed for you Karen – let me know how you go.

  • Hi Jackie, Nice to see you here. Thanx for your Finger-Crossing. I will let you know. Cheers, Karen :))

  • Diana Carlton

    Well done Karen! I have my fingers crossed for you, it’s really exciting news. Di 🙂

  • Thanx Diana. I’m excited too … Nice to see you here. Cheers, Karen :))

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