Great Barrier Reef Rescue Giveaway

Great Barrier Reef Rescue Giveaway

I announce my Great Barrier Reef Rescue Giveaway, to celebrate the launch of my latest eco adventure on 5th May at Brisbane Square Library.

Why did I write Great Barrier Reef Rescue?

I wrote an eco-adventure mystery, as a response to […]

STOP-PRESS Author launches 2nd MAD book

Stephanie Masters, journalist at Albert & LOGAN News interviewed me, wanting to reach the TRUTH on my controversial memoir, Me and Him: A Guide to Recovery about parent-teacher harassment, insanity and how I recovered.

How did I Score a Newspaper story?

• Research! First I secured the reporters email address and telephone number.

• I […]

NEWSFLASH ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness

Journalist at Logan West Leader, Lara Lauth quizzed me on my recovery memoir, ME & HER: A Memoir Of Madness for my upcoming author talk at Logan West Library this Friday.

Lara requested I divulge the story behind my parent-teacher harassment at a Logan school, leading to my mental breakdown and incarceration in a […]

How to Nurture the Writer Within in 2012

How do we start 2012 with pure Creative Writing energy?

Enthused, motivated and Refreshed? … Ready to create stories that jump off the page?

How do we keep the creative channels forever flowing? Cuddle up with our muse?… Prevent writers burn out?… And maybe dissolve writers block? Here’s the Answer!

Immerse ourselves in a […]

Should I Self Publish my Book Baby… Yes? or No?


I face the most challenging decision in my writing career! …

THE FACTS …Welcome to the digital publishing revolution! Self publishing is upending the book industry! … Time for savvy authors to grasp this unique opportunity […]